[ubuntu-us-mi] New leader of the LoCo - Craig Maloney!
Greg Grossmeier
2011-08-08 13:34:13 UTC
In short: I am stepping down from the leadership of the Michigan LoCo
and Craig Maloney is now the new leader. Craig has been a very active
member and organizer with the team and I am not the least bit worried
that he'll do what is right for the team.

Please join me in welcoming Craig as the new leader of the Michigan LoCo!


Blog post announcement:
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
Rick Harding
2011-08-08 13:48:41 UTC
Post by Greg Grossmeier
In short: I am stepping down from the leadership of the Michigan LoCo
and Craig Maloney is now the new leader. Craig has been a very active
member and organizer with the team and I am not the least bit worried
that he'll do what is right for the team.
Please join me in welcoming Craig as the new leader of the Michigan LoCo!
All hail the new loco overlord!

Ben Rousch
2011-08-08 13:55:07 UTC
Post by Rick Harding
Post by Greg Grossmeier
In short: I am stepping down from the leadership of the Michigan LoCo
Thanks, Greg, for all of your hard work over the years. You are my
favorite hippie. You will be missed.
Post by Rick Harding
Post by Greg Grossmeier
and Craig Maloney is now the new leader. Craig has been a very active
member and organizer with the team and I am not the least bit worried
that he'll do what is right for the team.
Please join me in welcoming Craig as the new leader of the Michigan LoCo!
All hail the new loco overlord!
OMG, his head is so big I can see it from here!
Post by Rick Harding
?Ben Rousch
? ?brousch at gmail.com
? ?http://clusterbleep.net/
Kevin O'Brien
2011-08-08 18:39:17 UTC
The King is dead! Long live the King!
Post by Ben Rousch
Post by Rick Harding
Post by Greg Grossmeier
In short: I am stepping down from the leadership of the Michigan LoCo
Thanks, Greg, for all of your hard work over the years. You are my
favorite hippie. You will be missed.
Post by Rick Harding
Post by Greg Grossmeier
and Craig Maloney is now the new leader. Craig has been a very active
member and organizer with the team and I am not the least bit worried
that he'll do what is right for the team.
Please join me in welcoming Craig as the new leader of the Michigan
Post by Rick Harding
Post by Greg Grossmeier
All hail the new loco overlord!
OMG, his head is so big I can see it from here!
Post by Rick Harding
Ben Rousch
brousch at gmail.com
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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