[ubuntu-us-mi] installing Lucid?
Robert Citek
2010-04-05 20:51:41 UTC
Has anyone had any luck installing Lucid?

I keep trying to install the UNR release, but Ubiquity keeps crashing
at the end. In addition, I have not had any luck reporting the crash,
either, as the server seems to be down.

FWIW, I've been having good luck with it running from the USB stick.

- Robert
Robert Citek
2010-04-05 21:44:36 UTC
Post by Robert Citek
I keep trying to install the UNR release, but Ubiquity keeps crashing
at the end. ?In addition, I have not had any luck reporting the crash,
either, as the server seems to be down.
Rebooted from the USB and reran the installer. This time I noticed
the message to upgrade the installer, which I did. I also did a
manual partition. In the end, the installer finished and Lucid booted
just fine from the hard drive.

- Robert
Ravi Sista
2010-04-05 22:59:28 UTC
Post by Robert Citek
I keep trying to install the UNR release, but Ubiquity keeps crashing
at the end. In addition, I have not had any luck reporting the crash,
either, as the server seems to be down.
I have a question along the same lines. I have currently Lucid installed
(using the beta version CD). Now, on 4/29 (or later) if I just run the
update manager and get all the updates would I be technically running the
official/final Lucid or do I have to reinstall? I don't have a problem
reinstalling but trying to avoid it if I can. Thanks.
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Rob Duncan
2010-04-06 01:32:08 UTC
I have a question along the same lines. I have currently Lucid installed
(using the beta version CD). Now, on 4/29 (or later) if I just run the
update manager and get all the updates would I be technically running the
official/final Lucid or do I have to reinstall? I don't have a problem
reinstalling but trying to avoid it if I can. Thanks.
You will be running the official release the way you have it (assuming you
keep getting updates with update manager)
Jeff Hanson
2010-04-06 00:26:58 UTC
Post by Robert Citek
Has anyone had any luck installing Lucid?
Mixed results so far. I have a Dell Inspiron 2650 laptop with an
Nvidia GeForce2 Go chipset. Until recently it wouldn't boot unless
pci=noacpi was set in the kernel boot line in Grub. That has now been
fixed. The touchpad wouldn't function without some xorg.conf hacks
(bug #479839) and even then only intermittently but with recent
updates it doesn't work at all. Attempting to login with GDM crashes
X (bug #553508) so I have to kill GDM and login from a tty and then
startx. I have an Enterasys CSIBD-AA-128 802.11b PCMCIA card that
doesn't work (Bug #498336). I have a Belkin F5D8013 802.11n with a
RaLink RT2860 chip that seems to function but it wouldn't connect over
WPA in Karmic and I don't have a secure wireless network handy to test
with Lucid. I recently found the i8kutils package for monitoring the
sensors and fans but the fan RPMs are wrong (bug #200449). Recently
the keyboard stopped working and I have to use a USB keyboard (either
bug #555169 or #406690). Encrypted drives fail to be mounted by
pam_mount at login (bug #433051). Theres more of course.
Robert Citek
2010-04-06 02:25:48 UTC
Post by Robert Citek
Has anyone had any luck installing Lucid?
Mixed results so far. ?I have a Dell Inspiron 2650 laptop with an
Nvidia GeForce2 Go chipset. ...
Same here: mixed. Seems to work well on the Asus eeepc 1005HAB and
the 2G Surf. Used the same USB stick on a Toshiba Satellite L35 and
results are not so good. Sometimes I get a GUI, sometimes not. Have
been playing with different boot options, but haven't narrowed down
what's necessary and sufficient. Ran the System Test and not
everything worked, e.g. not all the mode lines and not the color with
static test. Also, went through the example files. Sound was the big
issue with the Fable playing fine but the other audio was mostly

Will have to get the latest ISO and test again tomorrow. Will also
Google for bug reports and other's experiences.

- Robert
