[ubuntu-us-mi] Rasmus Lerdorf
t jagoda
2009-04-16 15:30:53 UTC
In case you didnt already know, Rasmus Lerdorf is a Tech Guest of Honor at
penguicon this year - and we need to schedule some talks and panels for him
to present while he's there!

So, what would you like to hear Rasmus talk about at PenguiCon? Please
provide specific talk titles/ideas.

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Jeff Hanson
2009-04-17 05:49:21 UTC
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 11:30 AM, t jagoda
Post by t jagoda
In case you didnt already know, Rasmus Lerdorf is a Tech Guest of Honor at
penguicon this year - and we need to schedule some talks and panels for him
to present while he's there!
So, what would you like to hear Rasmus talk about at PenguiCon?? Please
provide specific talk titles/ideas.
No idea myself as I don't use PHP directly.

