[ubuntu-us-mi] Bug Jam 2009 locations
Craig Maloney
2009-01-02 16:44:11 UTC
Hope you all had a very Happy Holiday!

The weekend of February 20-22, 2009 is the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam.
(Details at http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1775) Michigan had a pretty
good showing on the last bug jam, so I'd like to get started on
soliciting ideas for locations and participation early so we can have an
even better showing this year.

(Photos from last year: http://decafbad.net/pictures/main.php?g2_itemId=738)

Last year we held the Global Bug Jam at the Clinton Macomb Public
Library, which is a decent location, but requires some prior planning.
Their hours on Saturday are 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM and 1:00pm - 6:00pm on
Sunday. If anyone has another idea for a location, please let us know
when and where you'd like to have the jam.

Let's make the next global bug jam the strongest showing for Michigan yet!
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo
2009-01-02 22:32:53 UTC
What all is needed to host the bug jam?

Also, while I appreciate the idea of getting everyone together in ONE
place for collaboration, could we have East, West and UP sites? If so,
I think I can convince KLUG and the Geek Group to host the event. We
are blessed with a very large usable space (an old industrial building)
and a decent internet connection. We also have a ton of computing
resources although most of it is unallocated and currently powered off.

Mark Jones
2008 KLUG Chairman
Post by Craig Maloney
Hope you all had a very Happy Holiday!
The weekend of February 20-22, 2009 is the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam.
(Details at http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1775) Michigan had a pretty
good showing on the last bug jam, so I'd like to get started on
soliciting ideas for locations and participation early so we can have an
even better showing this year.
(Photos from last year: http://decafbad.net/pictures/main.php?g2_itemId=738)
Last year we held the Global Bug Jam at the Clinton Macomb Public
Library, which is a decent location, but requires some prior planning.
Their hours on Saturday are 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM and 1:00pm - 6:00pm on
Sunday. If anyone has another idea for a location, please let us know
when and where you'd like to have the jam.
Let's make the next global bug jam the strongest showing for Michigan yet!
Rick Harding
2009-01-02 22:43:51 UTC
Post by Mark
What all is needed to host the bug jam?
Also, while I appreciate the idea of getting everyone together in ONE
place for collaboration, could we have East, West and UP sites? If so,
I think I can convince KLUG and the Geek Group to host the event. We
are blessed with a very large usable space (an old industrial building)
and a decent internet connection. We also have a ton of computing
resources although most of it is unallocated and currently powered off.
Mark Jones
2008 KLUG Chairman
I love the idea of multiple jams if we can swing it. If some west siders
and people up north can organize just let us know if there's anything we
can do to help. We can make sure the blog announcements and such include
each location in the details.

As for locations for those of us in my area, I think it might be nice to
try to get the Farmington Hills library room we use for MUG. It's huge,
prjector, etc. There's a rental fee, but I think we can raise that. I
think it's $60 for 3 hours or something like that. The only problem is
you need a farmington hills resident to reserve the room.

Greg Grossmeier
2009-01-03 18:34:10 UTC
Post by Rick Harding
Post by Mark
What all is needed to host the bug jam?
Also, while I appreciate the idea of getting everyone together in ONE
place for collaboration, could we have East, West and UP sites? If so,
I think I can convince KLUG and the Geek Group to host the event. We
are blessed with a very large usable space (an old industrial building)
and a decent internet connection. We also have a ton of computing
resources although most of it is unallocated and currently powered off.
Mark Jones
2008 KLUG Chairman
I love the idea of multiple jams if we can swing it. If some west siders
and people up north can organize just let us know if there's anything we
can do to help. We can make sure the blog announcements and such include
each location in the details.
As for locations for those of us in my area, I think it might be nice to
try to get the Farmington Hills library room we use for MUG. It's huge,
prjector, etc. There's a rental fee, but I think we can raise that. I
think it's $60 for 3 hours or something like that. The only problem is
you need a farmington hills resident to reserve the room.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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I wasn't at the Macomb Library for the last one so I'm asking those of
you who were: how does it compare to the Farmington Library for such
an event? I'm pretty sure we could come up with the cash to reserve
it if it is a lot better.

And, regarding the creation of other locations (west side, UP): GO FOR
IT! That'd be great if we could get a couple more jams going on the
same day/time. To reiterate what Rick said; let the mailing list know
if there is anything you need to get the event off the ground (blog
posts on planet.ubuntu.com, liveCDs, etc).


Craig Maloney
2009-01-03 19:58:38 UTC
Post by Greg Grossmeier
I wasn't at the Macomb Library for the last one so I'm asking those of
you who were: how does it compare to the Farmington Library for such
an event? I'm pretty sure we could come up with the cash to reserve
it if it is a lot better.
It was OK, although the net access could have been better. Also, the
screen / projector set-up is a bit small compared to Farmington. If I
had my druthers, I'd rather have it at the Farmington library, only
because it's a bigger area, and not everyone likes to drive over to
Macomb. :)
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Jason M Rogers
2009-01-03 22:50:23 UTC
Wayne State University LUG would be happy to host this this event if people
are willing to travel to our campus. The facilities at WSU can be booked
for free and should be able to accommodate any of your needs. What are your

Jason M Rogers
WSULUG President

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Greg Grossmeier
Post by Rick Harding
Post by Rick Harding
Post by Mark
What all is needed to host the bug jam?
Also, while I appreciate the idea of getting everyone together in ONE
place for collaboration, could we have East, West and UP sites? If so,
I think I can convince KLUG and the Geek Group to host the event. We
are blessed with a very large usable space (an old industrial building)
and a decent internet connection. We also have a ton of computing
resources although most of it is unallocated and currently powered off.
Mark Jones
2008 KLUG Chairman
I love the idea of multiple jams if we can swing it. If some west siders
and people up north can organize just let us know if there's anything we
can do to help. We can make sure the blog announcements and such include
each location in the details.
As for locations for those of us in my area, I think it might be nice to
try to get the Farmington Hills library room we use for MUG. It's huge,
prjector, etc. There's a rental fee, but I think we can raise that. I
think it's $60 for 3 hours or something like that. The only problem is
you need a farmington hills resident to reserve the room.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
I wasn't at the Macomb Library for the last one so I'm asking those of
you who were: how does it compare to the Farmington Library for such
an event? I'm pretty sure we could come up with the cash to reserve
it if it is a lot better.
And, regarding the creation of other locations (west side, UP): GO FOR
IT! That'd be great if we could get a couple more jams going on the
same day/time. To reiterate what Rick said; let the mailing list know
if there is anything you need to get the event off the ground (blog
posts on planet.ubuntu.com, liveCDs, etc).
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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2009-01-04 12:52:55 UTC
Location-wise I prefer Macomb, but Farmington/WSU work for me too.
Although it sounds like we'd need to pay for Farmington, and I'm all
about the "free".
Post by Jason M Rogers
Wayne State University LUG would be happy to host this this event if people
are willing to travel to our campus. The facilities at WSU can be booked
for free and should be able to accommodate any of your needs. What are your
Jason M Rogers
WSULUG President
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Greg Grossmeier <greg.grossmeier at gmail.com>
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Post by Rick Harding
Post by Mark
What all is needed to host the bug jam?
Also, while I appreciate the idea of getting everyone together in ONE
place for collaboration, could we have East, West and UP sites? If so,
I think I can convince KLUG and the Geek Group to host the event. We
are blessed with a very large usable space (an old industrial building)
and a decent internet connection. We also have a ton of computing
resources although most of it is unallocated and currently powered off.
Mark Jones
2008 KLUG Chairman
I love the idea of multiple jams if we can swing it. If some west siders
and people up north can organize just let us know if there's anything we
can do to help. We can make sure the blog announcements and such include
each location in the details.
As for locations for those of us in my area, I think it might be nice to
try to get the Farmington Hills library room we use for MUG. It's huge,
prjector, etc. There's a rental fee, but I think we can raise that. I
think it's $60 for 3 hours or something like that. The only problem is
you need a farmington hills resident to reserve the room.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
I wasn't at the Macomb Library for the last one so I'm asking those of
you who were: how does it compare to the Farmington Library for such
an event? I'm pretty sure we could come up with the cash to reserve
it if it is a lot better.
And, regarding the creation of other locations (west side, UP): GO FOR
IT! That'd be great if we could get a couple more jams going on the
same day/time. To reiterate what Rick said; let the mailing list know
if there is anything you need to get the event off the ground (blog
posts on planet.ubuntu.com, liveCDs, etc).
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com

The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
2009-01-28 01:36:30 UTC
Greetings all,
Kalamazoo Linux Users Group would like to host a Bug Jam session. We
have everything we need EXCEPT a Tutor. We can organize the planning,
advertising, space, power, internet, projectors, some computers (if
needed), hosts, on-site admins and FOOD. Talking to the local
programmers and students, we anticipate between 40 and 60 attendees.
However, no one here has ever worked on a Bug Jam before. Nor are any
of us done Bug Triaging.

Would someone like to volunteer to come over and help us? Reading the
suggested planning, (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RunningBugJam), the tutor
appears to be essential to a successful Bug Jam. So, this is the break
for us. We can provide food and lodging for a night. Our two possible
dates are Sat Feb 21 and Sun Feb 22. Sunday is slightly better for us
but not a deal breaker in the least.

If we can get someone to help us, we will run on. If not, then not. We
are making the go/no-go decision at our monthly board meeting on Feb 4.

Thank you, in advance,
Mark Jones
2009 Vice Chair
Kalamazoo Linux User's Group.
Jorge O. Castro
2009-01-30 17:58:06 UTC
Post by Mark
Greetings all,
Kalamazoo Linux Users Group would like to host a Bug Jam session. We
have everything we need EXCEPT a Tutor. We can organize the planning,
advertising, space, power, internet, projectors, some computers (if
needed), hosts, on-site admins and FOOD. Talking to the local
programmers and students, we anticipate between 40 and 60 attendees.
However, no one here has ever worked on a Bug Jam before. Nor are any
of us done Bug Triaging.
As it happens I am doing an IRC tutorial tonight at 7pm on how to run
a bug jam. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam
I am also doing another session on Feb 14th at 7pm as well. Please add
your team to that list if you plan to have one.
Post by Mark
Would someone like to volunteer to come over and help us? Reading the
suggested planning, (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RunningBugJam), the tutor
appears to be essential to a successful Bug Jam. So, this is the break
for us. We can provide food and lodging for a night. Our two possible
dates are Sat Feb 21 and Sun Feb 22. Sunday is slightly better for us
but not a deal breaker in the least.
I can look to see if I can jet over, maybe 2 of us from this side of
the state can come over to help? I'll have to check my schedule.
Jorge Castro
jorge (at) ubuntu.com
External Project Developer Relations
Canonical Ltd.
Jorge O. Castro
2009-01-30 18:06:03 UTC
Post by Jorge O. Castro
As it happens I am doing an IRC tutorial tonight at 7pm on how to run
a bug jam. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam
I am also doing another session on Feb 14th at 7pm as well. Please add
your team to that list if you plan to have one.
Just some clarification, for us it will be February 13th at 7pm, the
wiki is on UTC time so it shows up as the 14th.

ie. no, I will not be running a session on Valentine's Day. :p
Jorge Castro
jorge (at) ubuntu.com
External Project Developer Relations
Canonical Ltd.