[ubuntu-us-mi] [Fwd: Ubuntu Global Bug Jam!]
Greg Grossmeier
2008-06-05 17:00:11 UTC
Looks interesting and since it is in August we (as a team) will be well
prepared after our Jam this Monday and continuing the good work through
the summer.

I see no reason why we shouldn't try to set up a physical Bug Jam to
coincide with this Global Jam.

But, as I am on the road (in Wyoming as I type) and this isn't for
another 2 months, we can plan later.


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From: Jono Bacon <jono at ubuntu.com>
Subject: Ubuntu Global Bug Jam!
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2008 16:00:14 +0100
Size: 5958
Url: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-mi/attachments/20080605/9cfe3652/attachment.eml
Craig Maloney
2008-06-06 15:01:22 UTC
If anyone has any ideas on locations, we might want to plan now. Some
places might book two months in advance.

On Thu, 05 Jun 2008 12:00:11 -0500, Greg Grossmeier
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Looks interesting and since it is in August we (as a team) will be well
prepared after our Jam this Monday and continuing the good work through
the summer.
I see no reason why we shouldn't try to set up a physical Bug Jam to
coincide with this Global Jam.
But, as I am on the road (in Wyoming as I type) and this isn't for
another 2 months, we can plan later.
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Rick Harding
2008-06-06 15:16:33 UTC
If we have anyone in the Farmington hill's area I think trying to get
the Library we meet at MUG for would rock. We'd have to take up a
collection to cover the rental fee, but it's a great room, has internet,
and isn't located horribly.

It has to be rented by a resident though.

Post by Craig Maloney
If anyone has any ideas on locations, we might want to plan now. Some
places might book two months in advance.
On Thu, 05 Jun 2008 12:00:11 -0500, Greg Grossmeier
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Looks interesting and since it is in August we (as a team) will be well
prepared after our Jam this Monday and continuing the good work through
the summer.
I see no reason why we shouldn't try to set up a physical Bug Jam to
coincide with this Global Jam.
But, as I am on the road (in Wyoming as I type) and this isn't for
another 2 months, we can plan later.