[ubuntu-us-mi] Hello World
2008-05-23 10:15:20 UTC
Chatting on IRC the other day, somebody reminded me that our fine LoCo
hit over 100 people right after Penguicon. That, of course, is 100
memebers *on paper*. We've certainly not seen that many posting on
this list or hanging out is #ubuntu-us-mi which is what we'd really
like to see. Heck, I'd rather see 25 active members than 250 inactive
ones... So who's actually out there? Please introduce yourselves, and
give us an idea what your interests are (in or out of Ubuntu), where
in this large-ish state you live, and what activities you'd like to
see the LoCo (and yourself) engage in.

Name: Wolfger (or Mike Foster, if you insist)

Place: New Baltimore (NE Macomb County)

Distro: Kubuntu Hardy (soon to be dual-booting with Kubuntu Intrepid)

Ubuntu interests: I like helping out with bugs, and I'm interested in
learning how to package debs for Ubuntu/Debian. I'm also starting work
on a full-featured Twitter client called Tweek that I hope the world
will love. I run "bug jams" periodically, in which I explain to people
the very basics of doing bug triage. As I get more experienced myself,
I'll be passing that along to others as well.

non-Ubuntu interests: I love watching or playing hockey (anybody need
a rusty goalie?), brewing beer, playing in the SCA

Plans for world domination: Our LoCo is already one of the top-ranked
groups in 5-a-day <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day> but I'd like to
see that grow. Recently an inspired kubuntu-de.org group flew past us
in the rankings. I want to reclaim first place in convincing fashion,
but I also want to encourage other groups to participate too. Being
king of the hill just isn't much fun when nobody is trying to knock
you down. :-)

My 5 today: #90080 (macchanger), #150557 (linux-source-2.6.20), #75818
(linux-source-2.6.15), #68329 (pbuilder), #185480 (octave3.0)
Do 5 a day - every day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
Rob Duncan
2008-05-23 12:05:14 UTC
... Please introduce yourselves, and
give us an idea what your interests are (in or out of Ubuntu), where
in this large-ish state you live, and what activities you'd like to
see the LoCo (and yourself) engage in.
Name: Rob Duncan

Place: Ypsilanti (near EMU)

Distro: Kubuntu Hardy *5 (+ dapper on a server and 1 mythbuntu)

Ubuntu interests: bugs 'n packaging

non-Ubuntu interests: cycling

Plans for world domination: but that's what we do every night, Brain
Kevin B. O'Brien
2008-05-23 12:29:33 UTC
Post by Wolfger
Chatting on IRC the other day, somebody reminded me that our fine LoCo
hit over 100 people right after Penguicon. That, of course, is 100
memebers *on paper*. We've certainly not seen that many posting on
this list or hanging out is #ubuntu-us-mi which is what we'd really
like to see. Heck, I'd rather see 25 active members than 250 inactive
ones... So who's actually out there? Please introduce yourselves, and
give us an idea what your interests are (in or out of Ubuntu), where
in this large-ish state you live, and what activities you'd like to
see the LoCo (and yourself) engage in.
Kevin O'Bien
Ypsilanti, MI
Kubuntu Hardy
Documentation, helping newbies. I used to be a teacher so I guess that
all ties in somehow.
Football, gardening, singing
I guess I am not that competitive.

Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
nadreck at palain.com Linux User #333216

"Husbands never become good; they merely become proficient." - H.L. Mencken
Garret Catron
2008-05-23 13:06:22 UTC
Name: Garret Catron
Eau Claire MI ~ southwest Michigan
Hardy Heron Ubuntu

Ubuntu Interests:
Development Platform
Web serving
Converting newcomers ;)

Non Ubuntu Interests:

Plans for World Domination:
Haven't thought that far yet....

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 8:29 AM, Kevin B. O'Brien <nadreck at palain.com>
Post by Kevin B. O'Brien
Post by Wolfger
Chatting on IRC the other day, somebody reminded me that our fine LoCo
hit over 100 people right after Penguicon. That, of course, is 100
memebers *on paper*. We've certainly not seen that many posting on
this list or hanging out is #ubuntu-us-mi which is what we'd really
like to see. Heck, I'd rather see 25 active members than 250 inactive
ones... So who's actually out there? Please introduce yourselves, and
give us an idea what your interests are (in or out of Ubuntu), where
in this large-ish state you live, and what activities you'd like to
see the LoCo (and yourself) engage in.
Kevin O'Bien
Ypsilanti, MI
Kubuntu Hardy
Documentation, helping newbies. I used to be a teacher so I guess that
all ties in somehow.
Football, gardening, singing
I guess I am not that competitive.
Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
nadreck at palain.com Linux User #333216
"Husbands never become good; they merely become proficient." - H.L. Mencken
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Garret Catron
If the grass is greener on your neighbor's side of the fence. USE
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2008-05-23 13:20:36 UTC
Name: Merrick (aka merc)

Ubuntu interests: Whatever I feel like that week, anything from
setting up LAMP to messing with compiz.

Non Ubuntu Interests: Wakeboarding, snowboarding, rollerblading,
boating, beer, school, not necessarily in that order though...

Plans for world domination: Lets just say it involves ferrets and LOTS of ky.
Clay Ashby
2008-05-23 13:33:41 UTC
Name: Clay

Place: Holland

Distro: Hardy Heron and many others.

Ubuntu interests: World Domination

Non Ubuntu Interests: Starting my IT business, Hobbies such as my car's,
house/property, dogs, fish, and R/C.

Plans for world domination: Dominate the world with Ubuntu
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2008-05-23 22:05:02 UTC
Post by Wolfger
Kubuntu Hardy
Documentation, helping newbies.
Kevin, are you aware that there's a call out for people to help
document KDE 4.1 right now? Talk to nixternal on IRC, or head to his
post on the subject:

My 5 today: #90080 (macchanger), #150557 (linux-source-2.6.20), #75818
(linux-source-2.6.15), #68329 (pbuilder), #185480 (octave3.0)
Do 5 a day - every day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
Kevin B. O'Brien
2008-05-24 01:18:23 UTC
Post by Wolfger
Post by Wolfger
Kubuntu Hardy
Documentation, helping newbies.
Kevin, are you aware that there's a call out for people to help
document KDE 4.1 right now? Talk to nixternal on IRC, or head to his
Yes, I already talked to him about it. I have some work to do first,
though, since right now KDE 4 makes no sense to me at all.<g>

Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
nadreck at palain.com Linux User #333216

I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has
seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Jonathan Jesse
2008-05-24 01:32:47 UTC
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 9:18 PM, Kevin B. O'Brien <nadreck at palain.com>
Post by Wolfger
Post by Garret Catron
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 8:29 AM, Kevin B. O'Brien <nadreck at palain.com>
Post by Wolfger
Kubuntu Hardy
Documentation, helping newbies.
Kevin, are you aware that there's a call out for people to help
document KDE 4.1 right now? Talk to nixternal on IRC, or head to his
Yes, I already talked to him about it. I have some work to do first,
though, since right now KDE 4 makes no sense to me at all.<g>
Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
nadreck at palain.com Linux User #333216
I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has
seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Also hanging out in #kde-docs if anyone needs help
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Ben Rousch
2008-05-23 13:05:19 UTC
Name: brousch, thegeeker (Ben Rousch)
Place: Grand Rapids
Distro: Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Desktop and Server
Ubuntu interests: I use Ubuntu Desktop and server at home and at work to
save myself a lot of frustration from using Windows. I also use it to
protect my computer-illiterate relatives that want to get on the Internet.
non-Ubuntu interests: Golf, bowling, a budding interest in 3D modelling
Plans for world domination: (classified)
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Flavio daCosta
2008-05-23 13:31:00 UTC
Name: Flavio daCosta (n0p)

Place: St Clair Shores

Distro: gutsy on laptop (since Hoary, Debian user previously (and RH
before that.) Sysadmin to many servers at various versions.

Ubuntu interests: I'm your general all around GNU Linux/OSS enthusiast.
Using Linux on the desktop since ~2001 and on servers since mid-late
90s. Sysadmin and Programmer by trade. Have contributed via bug
reports and patches for a few OSS projects, and misc
presentations/panels at local groups/events however always wishing time
to do more.

non-Ubuntu interests: Spending time with family, skydiving, flying,

Plans for world domination: Shellcode in place just waiting for the
world's EIP to slide down the n0ps. ;-)
Kevin DuBois
2008-05-23 13:37:10 UTC
Name: Kevin Dubois (kdubois)

Place: Ann Arbor, MI for most of the year

Distro(s): Ubuntu Hardy, Arch, Debian Etch

Ubuntu/OSS interests: I like to help out with coding multimedia or 3d apps,
I've written a few (uncommited still, grumble) effects for Compiz Fusion,
with some plugins in the works
and some things for VLC. I hope to move into kernel development too. I like
to help
out with user support, and I can package things poorly and reluctantly :-D.
gave a speech about ubuntu for loco a few months ago, if any opportunities
I'd be happy to give more :-D

non-Ubuntu interests: I'm the VP of my fraternity at U-M. I also like
swimming, and anything outdoors-like
Post by Wolfger
Chatting on IRC the other day, somebody reminded me that our fine LoCo
hit over 100 people right after Penguicon. That, of course, is 100
memebers *on paper*. We've certainly not seen that many posting on
this list or hanging out is #ubuntu-us-mi which is what we'd really
like to see. Heck, I'd rather see 25 active members than 250 inactive
ones... So who's actually out there? Please introduce yourselves, and
give us an idea what your interests are (in or out of Ubuntu), where
in this large-ish state you live, and what activities you'd like to
see the LoCo (and yourself) engage in.
Name: Wolfger (or Mike Foster, if you insist)
Place: New Baltimore (NE Macomb County)
Distro: Kubuntu Hardy (soon to be dual-booting with Kubuntu Intrepid)
Ubuntu interests: I like helping out with bugs, and I'm interested in
learning how to package debs for Ubuntu/Debian. I'm also starting work
on a full-featured Twitter client called Tweek that I hope the world
will love. I run "bug jams" periodically, in which I explain to people
the very basics of doing bug triage. As I get more experienced myself,
I'll be passing that along to others as well.
non-Ubuntu interests: I love watching or playing hockey (anybody need
a rusty goalie?), brewing beer, playing in the SCA
Plans for world domination: Our LoCo is already one of the top-ranked
groups in 5-a-day <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day> but I'd like to
see that grow. Recently an inspired kubuntu-de.org group flew past us
in the rankings. I want to reclaim first place in convincing fashion,
but I also want to encourage other groups to participate too. Being
king of the hill just isn't much fun when nobody is trying to knock
you down. :-)
My 5 today: #90080 (macchanger), #150557 (linux-source-2.6.20), #75818
(linux-source-2.6.15), #68329 (pbuilder), #185480 (octave3.0)
Do 5 a day - every day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Kevin DuBois
kdub432 at gmail.com
PGP Key fingerprint = 80CF 7C1D 0A1C BE03 2203 95B6 1515 C3DC B6BE 7E88
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Rene Hogan
2008-05-23 13:58:50 UTC
Name: R.L.Hogan (Hogi)
Place: Highland,M.
Distro: Ubuntu 7.10

Ubuntu interest---starting checking out the Linux world with Suse--then
Mandriva--settled into Ubuntu 7.04, upgrade to 7.10. Currently trying to
install 8.04 but can not get past establishing a root partition. gone back
to 7.10.
I am crossing over from Windows--Windows ME started the transition. I am
still running one of my computers with Windows XP PRO. I like what I have
seen with Linux and still on the learning curve.

Non-Ubuntu interests--biking and just about any form of racing.

plans for world domination--none. I just want to be sure that I make this
world a better place to live in.
Post by Kevin DuBois
Name: Kevin Dubois (kdubois)
Place: Ann Arbor, MI for most of the year
Distro(s): Ubuntu Hardy, Arch, Debian Etch
Ubuntu/OSS interests: I like to help out with coding multimedia or 3d apps,
I've written a few (uncommited still, grumble) effects for Compiz Fusion,
with some plugins in the works
and some things for VLC. I hope to move into kernel development too. I
like to help
out with user support, and I can package things poorly and reluctantly :-D.
gave a speech about ubuntu for loco a few months ago, if any opportunities
I'd be happy to give more :-D
non-Ubuntu interests: I'm the VP of my fraternity at U-M. I also like
swimming, and anything outdoors-like
Post by Wolfger
Chatting on IRC the other day, somebody reminded me that our fine LoCo
hit over 100 people right after Penguicon. That, of course, is 100
memebers *on paper*. We've certainly not seen that many posting on
this list or hanging out is #ubuntu-us-mi which is what we'd really
like to see. Heck, I'd rather see 25 active members than 250 inactive
ones... So who's actually out there? Please introduce yourselves, and
give us an idea what your interests are (in or out of Ubuntu), where
in this large-ish state you live, and what activities you'd like to
see the LoCo (and yourself) engage in.
Name: Wolfger (or Mike Foster, if you insist)
Place: New Baltimore (NE Macomb County)
Distro: Kubuntu Hardy (soon to be dual-booting with Kubuntu Intrepid)
Ubuntu interests: I like helping out with bugs, and I'm interested in
learning how to package debs for Ubuntu/Debian. I'm also starting work
on a full-featured Twitter client called Tweek that I hope the world
will love. I run "bug jams" periodically, in which I explain to people
the very basics of doing bug triage. As I get more experienced myself,
I'll be passing that along to others as well.
non-Ubuntu interests: I love watching or playing hockey (anybody need
a rusty goalie?), brewing beer, playing in the SCA
Plans for world domination: Our LoCo is already one of the top-ranked
groups in 5-a-day <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day> but I'd like to
see that grow. Recently an inspired kubuntu-de.org group flew past us
in the rankings. I want to reclaim first place in convincing fashion,
but I also want to encourage other groups to participate too. Being
king of the hill just isn't much fun when nobody is trying to knock
you down. :-)
My 5 today: #90080 (macchanger), #150557 (linux-source-2.6.20), #75818
(linux-source-2.6.15), #68329 (pbuilder), #185480 (octave3.0)
Do 5 a day - every day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Kevin DuBois
kdub432 at gmail.com
PGP Key fingerprint = 80CF 7C1D 0A1C BE03 2203 95B6 1515 C3DC B6BE 7E88
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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Craig Maloney
2008-05-23 13:49:12 UTC
Name: Craig Maloney

Place: Macomb

Distro: Ubuntu Gutsy / Feisty on various machines between home and work.
(Planning on upgrading the home machines to Hardy this weekend). Also have
an Eee PC that is getting Xubuntu one of these days.

Ubuntu interests: Looking to get more involved with Open Source software
development, whether through building and patching packages, or helping to
stamp out bugs.

non-Ubuntu interests: Playing video games with my lovely wife, collecting
classic video games, juggling, playing drums, music (more of the harder
stuff, although I like most anything other than Country and Top-40),
watching anime, and coding in Python, Perl, and Ruby. Also interested in
game development, and participating in Pyweek.

Plans for world domination: Clogging the internet, one bit at a time.
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Joe Vanderstelt
2008-05-23 14:09:13 UTC
Name: Joe

Place: Spring Lake

Distro: Hardy Heron and many others.

Ubuntu interests: New Users

Non Ubuntu Interests: Remolding my house currently

Plans for world domination: Freedom of information
Jonathan Jesse
2008-05-23 14:16:48 UTC
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Joe Vanderstelt <thisboyiscrazy at gmail.com>
Post by Joe Vanderstelt
Name: Joe
Place: Spring Lake
Distro: Hardy Heron and many others.
Ubuntu interests: New Users
Non Ubuntu Interests: Remolding my house currently
Plans for world domination: Freedom of information
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Name: Jonathan Jesse
Distro: Kubuntu 8.04 Remix
Ubuntu Intrests: Documentation, Server Team, KDE Docs, Co-Author: The
Official Ubuntu Book by Prentince Hall
Location: Grand Rapids
Non Ubuntu Intrests: Running when I have time, work
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Garret Catron
2008-05-23 14:25:08 UTC
oh I forgot to mentionAlias: Zwithum
Post by Jonathan Jesse
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Joe Vanderstelt <
Post by Joe Vanderstelt
Name: Joe
Place: Spring Lake
Distro: Hardy Heron and many others.
Ubuntu interests: New Users
Non Ubuntu Interests: Remolding my house currently
Plans for world domination: Freedom of information
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Name: Jonathan Jesse
Distro: Kubuntu 8.04 Remix
Ubuntu Intrests: Documentation, Server Team, KDE Docs, Co-Author: The
Official Ubuntu Book by Prentince Hall
Location: Grand Rapids
Non Ubuntu Intrests: Running when I have time, work
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Garret Catron
If the grass is greener on your neighbor's side of the fence. USE
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2008-05-23 15:16:47 UTC
Name: Aaron Thul

Place: Clawson (Detroit Area)

Distro: Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop and Server

Ubuntu interests: Servers at work to run web sites, databases and lots
of perl code.

non-Ubuntu interests: PostgreSQL, Cooking

Plans for world domination: Switch every database onto PostgreSQL
Aaron Thul
Twitter: @AaronThul
Rick Harding
2008-05-23 14:15:46 UTC
Name: "The Great..." oh, literally you mean? Rick

Place: Clarkston, MI by Great Lakes Crossing

Distro: Ubu Hardy

Ubuntu interests: Packaging, software dev, lots of get togethers and of
course spreading the packaging jam love.

non-Ubuntu interests: My current obsession is housebreaking my baby girl
Jordyn (3 month old black lab), I wish I had more time for my
woodworking, and of course I love to hack on code stuff on the side.

Plans for world domination: I think our LoCo has some good words about
it out there, but I'd definitely like to see more people get involved in
things like the bug stuff since it's a great visible number to all. I'd
also like to see more of us developers get together and maybe find
something we could work on. We all like to hack right?

While I'm at it figure I'll toss out the blog/twitter
twitter: mitechie

David Barnett
2008-05-23 14:32:58 UTC
Name: Dave Barnett/dbarnett
Place: Ann Arbor
Distro: Ubuntu Hardy
Ubuntu interests: I made the decision a few years ago that I was not a
and just want an OS that provides me service
with a minimum
of hassle, this is what brought me to ubuntu
in the first place.
The point being, my interests with ubuntu
are more as a user.
That being said, I enjoy ubuntu evangelism
and have converted
many users including my technophobic wife
who no longer
wants to use windows.
non-Ubuntu interests: Kids take up most of my time but, programming (mostly
python/c), poker, music, video gaming.
Plans for world domination: Eventually... the world will come to me
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Greg Grossmeier
2008-05-23 15:49:30 UTC
Name: Greg (greg-g on the IRC)

Place: A2, but for the summer I'll be in San Francisco (I know, you hate
me now).

Distro: Ubuntu Hardy

Ubuntu Interests: As the "point person" for the Michigan LoCo it would
seem obvious that I enjoy the people aspect of Ubuntu and talking it up
with others. Also, I enjoy triaging bugs (really, I do).

Non Ubuntu Interests: what I'm going to grad school for (Information
Policy), biking (commuter, not racer), reading, walking around (hiking),
and appreciating beer.

World Domination Plans: It all starts with Freedom.
2008-05-23 16:44:35 UTC
I feel pretty guilty about the whole inactive member thing, since I was
one of the first (I think the third) official members of this loco, and
the first to find it after greg established it....and I don't even have
the friendliness required to idle in irc. I suppose I should be the
poster boy for inactive members, eh :)

Name: Josh Panter (alienseer23 on irc)

Place: Ann Arbor, MI

Distro: Got Hardy on my desktop, which also acts as my home's server,
hardy on my "big" laptop, my kid's desktop, and my wife's old dell still
runs gutsy. I have Knoppix on my EEE Pc.

Ubuntu interests: Right now it's mainly advocacy. I am pretty much a
fiend for promoting Ubuntu/Linux/FOSS whenever I can. I'm big on free
culture, and free (as in beer and speech) software. It's borderline
political for me, I suppose. I also keep busy keeping all the comps in
my home running smooth. My last "project" was to get a Drupal install,
host it myself, and maintain it. I did this, and put in an Ampache music
server, and a few other nifty things that keep me happily tinkering
lately. I am pretty happy about being able to integrate a desktop
environment and a web/server experience with Ubuntu and Drupal (or
whatever). I have been using ubuntu for a few years, killed all the
windows in the home about 6 months after testing it out, and am pretty
darn happy I did. I would like to get more linux-knowledge.

non-Ubuntu interests: my family, getting back in school (ie academics is
pretty high on the list), political junkie, media junkie, fitness in
general, and call it philosophical adventuring (the latest in this
section was to go see the Dalai Lama speak at Chrysler
Arena)...um...this feels weird, like some sort of internet personals

plans for world domination: H'm, I am actually busy positioning myself
to help people wake up from the nightmare of having their world
dominated, so...if I did have a plan for world domination, it would
involve giving the world back to the people that it belongs to, and that
would be everyone...so, I suppose this one doesn't apply.

http://clearvision.homelinux.com/awesome/ (a simple blog for now)
Post by Wolfger
Chatting on IRC the other day, somebody reminded me that our fine LoCo
hit over 100 people right after Penguicon. That, of course, is 100
memebers *on paper*. We've certainly not seen that many posting on
this list or hanging out is #ubuntu-us-mi which is what we'd really
like to see. Heck, I'd rather see 25 active members than 250 inactive
ones... So who's actually out there? Please introduce yourselves, and
give us an idea what your interests are (in or out of Ubuntu), where
in this large-ish state you live, and what activities you'd like to
see the LoCo (and yourself) engage in.
Name: Wolfger (or Mike Foster, if you insist)
Place: New Baltimore (NE Macomb County)
Distro: Kubuntu Hardy (soon to be dual-booting with Kubuntu Intrepid)
Ubuntu interests: I like helping out with bugs, and I'm interested in
learning how to package debs for Ubuntu/Debian. I'm also starting work
on a full-featured Twitter client called Tweek that I hope the world
will love. I run "bug jams" periodically, in which I explain to people
the very basics of doing bug triage. As I get more experienced myself,
I'll be passing that along to others as well.
non-Ubuntu interests: I love watching or playing hockey (anybody need
a rusty goalie?), brewing beer, playing in the SCA
Plans for world domination: Our LoCo is already one of the top-ranked
groups in 5-a-day <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day> but I'd like to
see that grow. Recently an inspired kubuntu-de.org group flew past us
in the rankings. I want to reclaim first place in convincing fashion,
but I also want to encourage other groups to participate too. Being
king of the hill just isn't much fun when nobody is trying to knock
you down. :-)
My 5 today: #90080 (macchanger), #150557 (linux-source-2.6.20), #75818
(linux-source-2.6.15), #68329 (pbuilder), #185480 (octave3.0)
Do 5 a day - every day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
Amy Hussey
2008-05-23 19:12:58 UTC
I'll bite. I don't think I've really introduced myself to the list

Name: gamerchick02 (Amy Hussey)

Place: Saginaw

Distro: Ubuntu Hardy on the desktop, multiple on the laptop
(Kubuntu/goS/Mandriva/WindowsXP... I'm trying to find something to work on
my Gateway MX3225)

Ubuntu interests: I try to point people in the direction of Ubuntu if
they're looking for a distro to try. I also like to help people with issues
they have and point them in the right direction.

non-Ubuntu interests: sports (hockey, baseball, curling, football, soccer,
Aussie rules football, cricket... if it's off-the-wall, I'll watch it), TV
(CSI and the like, almost anything from the BBC), reading, art, writing,
fangirling, gaming, walking, working, math, science, beer...

Plans for world domination: Uh... none right now, but if I think of
something... :-D

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 7:00 AM, <ubuntu-us-mi-request at lists.ubuntu.com>
Send ubuntu-us-mi mailing list submissions to
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
ubuntu-us-mi-request at lists.ubuntu.com
You can reach the person managing the list at
ubuntu-us-mi-owner at lists.ubuntu.com
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of ubuntu-us-mi digest..."
1. Hello World (Wolfger)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 06:15:20 -0400
From: Wolfger <wolfger at gmail.com>
Subject: [ubuntu-us-mi] Hello World
To: "Ubuntu Michigan Local Community Team"
<ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com>
<3b00b3330805230315m394019aeqe0e26f7fa443d238 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Chatting on IRC the other day, somebody reminded me that our fine LoCo
hit over 100 people right after Penguicon. That, of course, is 100
memebers *on paper*. We've certainly not seen that many posting on
this list or hanging out is #ubuntu-us-mi which is what we'd really
like to see. Heck, I'd rather see 25 active members than 250 inactive
ones... So who's actually out there? Please introduce yourselves, and
give us an idea what your interests are (in or out of Ubuntu), where
in this large-ish state you live, and what activities you'd like to
see the LoCo (and yourself) engage in.
Name: Wolfger (or Mike Foster, if you insist)
Place: New Baltimore (NE Macomb County)
Distro: Kubuntu Hardy (soon to be dual-booting with Kubuntu Intrepid)
Ubuntu interests: I like helping out with bugs, and I'm interested in
learning how to package debs for Ubuntu/Debian. I'm also starting work
on a full-featured Twitter client called Tweek that I hope the world
will love. I run "bug jams" periodically, in which I explain to people
the very basics of doing bug triage. As I get more experienced myself,
I'll be passing that along to others as well.
non-Ubuntu interests: I love watching or playing hockey (anybody need
a rusty goalie?), brewing beer, playing in the SCA
Plans for world domination: Our LoCo is already one of the top-ranked
groups in 5-a-day <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day> but I'd like to
see that grow. Recently an inspired kubuntu-de.org group flew past us
in the rankings. I want to reclaim first place in convincing fashion,
but I also want to encourage other groups to participate too. Being
king of the hill just isn't much fun when nobody is trying to knock
you down. :-)
My 5 today: #90080 (macchanger), #150557 (linux-source-2.6.20), #75818
(linux-source-2.6.15), #68329 (pbuilder), #185480 (octave3.0)
Do 5 a day - every day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
End of ubuntu-us-mi Digest, Vol 10, Issue 3
FUD: Beware of the penguin.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati. (When all else fails, play dead.) ~~Possum
Lodge Motto
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Dan Leichtweis
2008-05-23 19:24:02 UTC
Hell I will say hello.
Name:* Daniel Leichtweis

*Place: *Oak Park (just outside Detroit)

*Distro:* Hardy desktop and server
Ubuntu interests:* LAMP and just basic every day computing stuff.
non-Ubuntu interests:* Recovery, Working out, Computers, Web Design,
Detroit, Freedom, Free Stuff, Social Ideals, People Watching, Coffee, a
right to choose things, life, women, Conservation, Hip Hop, Jazz, Raleigh
Theodore Sakers, Sunshine, Open minded people, Sublime, Sand, Water, Open
Source Software, Firefox, Law and Order, HBO, Otis Redding, Oak Park,
Wikipedia, Life Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness, being Tan, thinking,

Distro: Ubuntu Hardy on the desktop, multiple on the laptop
... I'm trying to find something to work on my Gateway MX3225)
Ubuntu interests: I try to point people in the direction of Ubuntu if
they're looking for a distro to try. I also like to help people with issues
they have and point them in the right direction.
non-Ubuntu interests: sports (hockey, baseball, curling, football, soccer,
Aussie rules football, cricket... if it's off-the-wall, I'll watch it), TV
(CSI and the like, almost anything from the BBC), reading, art, writing,
fangirling, gaming, walking, working, math, science, beer...
I'll bite. I don't think I've really introduced myself to the list
Name: gamerchick02 (Amy Hussey)
Place: Saginaw
Distro: Ubuntu Hardy on the desktop, multiple on the laptop
(Kubuntu/goS/Mandriva/WindowsXP... I'm trying to find something to work on
my Gateway MX3225)
Ubuntu interests: I try to point people in the direction of Ubuntu if
they're looking for a distro to try. I also like to help people with issues
they have and point them in the right direction.
non-Ubuntu interests: sports (hockey, baseball, curling, football, soccer,
Aussie rules football, cricket... if it's off-the-wall, I'll watch it), TV
(CSI and the like, almost anything from the BBC), reading, art, writing,
fangirling, gaming, walking, working, math, science, beer...
Plans for world domination: Uh... none right now, but if I think of
something... :-D
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 7:00 AM, <ubuntu-us-mi-request at lists.ubuntu.com>
Send ubuntu-us-mi mailing list submissions to
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
ubuntu-us-mi-request at lists.ubuntu.com
You can reach the person managing the list at
ubuntu-us-mi-owner at lists.ubuntu.com
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of ubuntu-us-mi digest..."
1. Hello World (Wolfger)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 06:15:20 -0400
From: Wolfger <wolfger at gmail.com>
Subject: [ubuntu-us-mi] Hello World
To: "Ubuntu Michigan Local Community Team"
<ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com>
<3b00b3330805230315m394019aeqe0e26f7fa443d238 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Chatting on IRC the other day, somebody reminded me that our fine LoCo
hit over 100 people right after Penguicon. That, of course, is 100
memebers *on paper*. We've certainly not seen that many posting on
this list or hanging out is #ubuntu-us-mi which is what we'd really
like to see. Heck, I'd rather see 25 active members than 250 inactive
ones... So who's actually out there? Please introduce yourselves, and
give us an idea what your interests are (in or out of Ubuntu), where
in this large-ish state you live, and what activities you'd like to
see the LoCo (and yourself) engage in.
Name: Wolfger (or Mike Foster, if you insist)
Place: New Baltimore (NE Macomb County)
Distro: Kubuntu Hardy (soon to be dual-booting with Kubuntu Intrepid)
Ubuntu interests: I like helping out with bugs, and I'm interested in
learning how to package debs for Ubuntu/Debian. I'm also starting work
on a full-featured Twitter client called Tweek that I hope the world
will love. I run "bug jams" periodically, in which I explain to people
the very basics of doing bug triage. As I get more experienced myself,
I'll be passing that along to others as well.
non-Ubuntu interests: I love watching or playing hockey (anybody need
a rusty goalie?), brewing beer, playing in the SCA
Plans for world domination: Our LoCo is already one of the top-ranked
groups in 5-a-day <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day> but I'd like to
see that grow. Recently an inspired kubuntu-de.org group flew past us
in the rankings. I want to reclaim first place in convincing fashion,
but I also want to encourage other groups to participate too. Being
king of the hill just isn't much fun when nobody is trying to knock
you down. :-)
My 5 today: #90080 (macchanger), #150557 (linux-source-2.6.20), #75818
(linux-source-2.6.15), #68329 (pbuilder), #185480 (octave3.0)
Do 5 a day - every day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
End of ubuntu-us-mi Digest, Vol 10, Issue 3
FUD: Beware of the penguin.
Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati. (When all else fails, play dead.) ~~Possum
Lodge Motto
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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James Ronald
2008-05-23 21:34:34 UTC
*Name:* James Ronald (Jim)
Place: *Howell (live), Ann Arbor (work)*

Distro:* Hardy desktop (work), Gutsy desktop (home), Gusty Server (work and
home), CentOS 5 (Asterisk PBX at work), Debian Sid (PPC), Custom Linux
2.6.23 and .25 distributions for ARM. *

Ubuntu interests:* Desktop and Server*

non-Ubuntu interests:* Family, Embedded Linux, Robotics, Electronics, CNC,
Marshal Arts, Comedy Food, and Mu*sic.**
plans for world domination:* I could tell you but then one of my robots
would have to pay you a visit.
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Tony Bemus
2008-05-24 14:35:55 UTC
*Name: *tbemus - Tony Bemus (Mister 100)

*Place: *Taylor MI*

**Distro: *Harty on Desktop, Gutsy on Laptop, Feisty (LinuxMCE) on
Media Center, Debian 3.1 on Webserver VM*

**Ubuntu interests: *General Advocate and trying to non-invasive convert
my tech co-workers to Ubuntu*

**non-Ubuntu interests:* Anything Music (Listening, Playing, Recording,
Jeremy Leonard
2008-05-26 22:19:37 UTC
*Name:* Iron_Man (aka: Jeremy Leonard)

*Place:* Whitmore Lake (between Ann Arbor and Brighton)

*Distro:* Hardy Ubuntu.

*Ubuntu Interests:* Just getting started. I was using Fedora, but was
disappointed with the latest release from that camp and decided to start
using Ubuntu. I am currently using it to relearn C++, I'm also wanting
to learn more on network security.

*Non-Ubuntu Interests:* Disc Golf.
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2008-05-23 22:23:38 UTC
Post by Amy Hussey
I'll bite.
Woo-hoo! Oh, wait... wrong mailing list. ;-)

My 5 today: #90080 (macchanger), #150557 (linux-source-2.6.20), #75818
(linux-source-2.6.15), #68329 (pbuilder), #185480 (octave3.0)
Do 5 a day - every day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
Dubh Aingeal
2008-05-24 05:18:00 UTC
Name: Generally find me running around locations as Dubh Aingeal. You
can get away with calling me many things, but late to eat is never one
of them. :p

Place: Ann Arbor

Distro: Hardy for Work, but as soon as I figure out how to get a few
more devices running laptop will be Hardy (not sure which desktop
though) as well.

Ubuntu and non ubuntu Interests - Learning what I can, and help those I
Jeff Hanson
2008-05-26 05:07:10 UTC
Location: Usually near Alpena (49707) and occasionally South Lyon (48178)

Good OS: Mandriva originally - now K/X/Ubuntu Gutsy and Hardy, Puppy,
DeLi, IPCop

Bad OS: Windows 286 - Vista, Server 2003

Early years: Apple IIe DOS 3.3, IBM PC-DOS 3.3 (PS/2 Model 30)

Systems: Cyrix 6x86-P166+, ... , AMD Phenom 9550, PowerPC Mac Mini,
TI-99/4A, some other 68K Macs that might work someday.

Profession: PCB Design, etc. Too many to list, check my blog profile:

Local: Supporting various local Linux users, mostly friends & family
(with the usual service discount of 100% off)

Community: Filing rants disguised as bug reports about problems with
hardware that nobody cares about anymore. Help out n00bs on Wine user
mailing list.

Current activities: debmirror, LUKS/dm-crypt, LVM, MD-RAID, PXELinux
(network booting), pam_mount

Favorite bugs:
Intel video driver with 855GME chipsets (freezing, video corruption)
Sound (faulty openal configs, low volume with Intel HDA/RealTek audio devices)
Installer support for DM-RAID setups (just needs to be rewritten from scratch)
ACPI (non-working fan on a Panasonic Toughbook CF-51 causing overheating)

Favorite aggravating app: Wine
Ann Marie Steichmann
2008-05-27 15:05:27 UTC
function helloWorld () {

echo "Hello World!";

while ( !annoyed ) {

Name: Ann Marie Steichmann

Place: Ypsilanti

Distro: Hardy Heron

Ubuntu Interests: Development Platform / Showing off to my friends and
co-workers / Putting Ubuntu stickers on just about everything - they're
so pretty :0)

Non Ubuntu Interests:
My bulldog and my husband (they both burp, fart, and snore.
Fortunately, only the dog drools.)
Biking (I have a Brompton - it folds up and fits perfectly under my desk
at work - best $1200 spent)
Scootering (the kind that requires an operator license - not the kind
that requires a good pair of Keds)
Foreign Culture & Language (Korean & French)
Hockey (Red Wings / U of M / A2 Ice3 Never Ever League - I'm usually a
winger, but am sometimes called on to play D - not that I'm any good at
either position.)
Perpetual Student (B.S in Math, B.S in Comp Sci, M.S.E in Comp Sci,
Current Psychology Major. Also, thinking about finally going for that
Ph. D. perhaps in Asian Studies or Linguistics. I always wanted to be
called Doctor.)

Plans for World Domination: Patent pending, movie is in the works
(release date TBD). I can only say it involves squeegees and latex body
Robert James Clay
2008-06-07 17:41:24 UTC
Name: 'Jame', Robert James Clay

Place: Farmington Hills, MI

Distro: Debian Etch, Debian Lenny. Plan to use Ubuntu Hardy.

Ubuntu interests: Packaging. Already work on packaging for
Debian; plan to expand that to Ubuntu...

Robert James Clay
jame at rocasa.org
Adam Lincoln
2008-06-11 22:40:27 UTC
Name: Adam Lincoln (_stink_ on IRC)

Place: Royal Oak, MI

Distro: Gutsy on main desktop/laptop, dapper on old server-ish machine

Ubuntu interests: new apps, bug fixin', packaging; all currently on
hold thanks to this pesky dissertation. Oh, and subtle

non-Ubuntu interests: almost any sport, esp. soccer and hockey;
nethack; bizarre window managers and console apps; physics; law; other
random crap.

Plans for world domination: Continue dominating the imaginary world in my head.
Mike Ward
2008-06-11 23:10:20 UTC
Well hell, if Adam did it, I guess I will...

I am Mike Ward, or on IRC as most of you would know me, ColonelPanic001. I'm
in Downriver, but I'm not saying where because Adam might send his giant
mutant cat after me. I'm a soon-to-be graduate of Wayne State University (in
August), in Computer Science.

I run Hardy on my laptop, Gutsy on the desktop.

Ubuntu Interests: Mostly just evangelization and helping users newer than

Non-Ubuntu Interests: Go (the board game), nethack (although that's fading a
bit), reading (mostly "classics", literature, etc). Sherlock Holmes. Finding
f'ing weird stuff on the Internets. Keeping the LUG I helped start (at Wayne
State University). Chatting on IRC until the wee hours, etc, etc, etc. I
like long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners (actually, sand sucks.
Scratch that). More recently, I've gotten into editing wikipedia.

Plans for world domination: Already in progress. The mousetrap is set, my
friends, and as soon as the time is right, well... you'll know. Muhahaha.
And stuff.
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2008-06-11 23:24:20 UTC
Well I will do this again myself.

Name is Kurt Tuttle, and I am downriver(AP), KTutt on IRC when I do get on which isn't often.
Retired Military(Army) but working full time for a second retirement.

Ubuntu Hardy running dual boot along with XP.

Ubuntu interest: Coming up to speed with it. I am a newbie to say the least.

Non-Ubuntu Interest; Ham Radio, reading, running, playing with the grandkids (yes I am that old).

Plans for World domination: Plans what plans? I am trying to wing it thru life.

Dereck Wonnacott
2008-06-11 23:53:59 UTC
I think they call this the snowball effect...

I am a Lake Superior State University Computer Engineering student
Dereck Wonnacott. I am an actual real in-the-flesh yooper from da Soo.
Yes. we have Internet up here, as long as we keep the beavers away from
the fiber(not kidding).

Started with 6.04 and am running Hardy x64 now.
Brother also runs Hardy x32.
Xen on Ubuntu Server Ed in my closet

?Ubuntu interest: bug work, wiki stuff, MOTU hopeful someday

non-Ubuntu interests: Gentoo, MMORPGs, Japan, judo. kendo

Plans for world domination: indeed
Rebecca Herber
2008-10-09 17:36:54 UTC
Please excuse the necromancy but I thought I should tell you a little
about myself before I go asking for help.

Name: Rebecca "Becky" Herber-haven't been on IRC yet

Place: Port Huron

Distro: Ubuntu on laptop and dual boot with Windows XP Home on my desktop

Ubuntu interests: trying to get it to run on my somewhat outdated
laptop, trying to get all my tasks I normally do in Windows running in
on Ubuntu

non-Ubuntu interests: MMO gaming, d20 gaming, sci-fi

I am currently a student at Baker College, going back to learn how to
be a licensed veterinary tech as my previous attempts at being a
computer technician have never been profitable due to the poor job
market here in Michigan. They say you go through at a few career
changes in life, I'm working on 2 right.

Becky Herber
ramengirl at gmail.com
Jeff Hanson
2008-10-10 01:54:49 UTC
Post by Rebecca Herber
Please excuse the necromancy but I thought I should tell you a little
about myself before I go asking for help.
Name: Rebecca "Becky" Herber-haven't been on IRC yet
Place: Port Huron
Distro: Ubuntu on laptop and dual boot with Windows XP Home on my desktop
Ubuntu interests: trying to get it to run on my somewhat outdated
laptop, trying to get all my tasks I normally do in Windows running in
on Ubuntu
What model?
Post by Rebecca Herber
non-Ubuntu interests: MMO gaming, d20 gaming, sci-fi
Proof of a certified geek.
Post by Rebecca Herber
I am currently a student at Baker College, going back to learn how to
be a licensed veterinary tech as my previous attempts at being a
computer technician have never been profitable due to the poor job
market here in Michigan. They say you go through at a few career
changes in life, I'm working on 2 right.
Want a couple of cats to practice on? I have extra.
Post by Rebecca Herber
Becky Herber
ramengirl at gmail.com
Tight food budget or does ramen infer something else?
Post by Rebecca Herber
Rebecca Herber
2008-10-11 03:19:37 UTC
Post by Jeff Hanson
Post by Rebecca Herber
Please excuse the necromancy but I thought I should tell you a little
about myself before I go asking for help.
Name: Rebecca "Becky" Herber-haven't been on IRC yet
Place: Port Huron
Distro: Ubuntu on laptop and dual boot with Windows XP Home on my desktop
Ubuntu interests: trying to get it to run on my somewhat outdated
laptop, trying to get all my tasks I normally do in Windows running in
on Ubuntu
What model?
Its an old HP N5470 from 2000, at least I think that's when my friend
originally purchased it. When he gave it to me last fall, it
overheated constantly, the CDRW/DVD-rom drive worked when it felt like
it, and the battery only held a charge for 10 minutes. I've managed to
clean it out which was full of cat hair, nicotine, and 2 nicely
crisped roaches, find a new recordable media drive for it, and get a
new battery. The BIOS doesn't like the new CDRW/DVD-rom combo drive
and I can't boot from it on startup, I think it might be the eprom
security but I'm done putting anymore money into it. I've managed to
get around it by using the Smart Boot Manager on a floppy disk which
sees the drive with no problem; it also is recognized by the OS with
no problem.

*snipped for content*

Becky Herber
ramengirl at gmail.com
Jeff Hanson
2008-10-11 05:51:00 UTC
Post by Rebecca Herber
Its an old HP N5470 from 2000, at least I think that's when my friend
originally purchased it. When he gave it to me last fall, it
overheated constantly, the CDRW/DVD-rom drive worked when it felt like
it, and the battery only held a charge for 10 minutes. I've managed to
clean it out which was full of cat hair, nicotine, and 2 nicely
crisped roaches, find a new recordable media drive for it, and get a
new battery. The BIOS doesn't like the new CDRW/DVD-rom combo drive
and I can't boot from it on startup, I think it might be the eprom
security but I'm done putting anymore money into it. I've managed to
get around it by using the Smart Boot Manager on a floppy disk which
sees the drive with no problem; it also is recognized by the OS with
no problem.
Looks like there is a BIOS update (v1.08) available. Is that the
version you're using?
2008-10-10 12:55:34 UTC
Post by Rebecca Herber
Please excuse the necromancy but I thought I should tell you a little
about myself before I go asking for help.
Name: Rebecca "Becky" Herber-haven't been on IRC yet
Place: Port Huron
Woohoo! Another one "up this way". And then some... Still closer than
Ann Arbor. :-)
Post by Rebecca Herber
non-Ubuntu interests: MMO gaming, d20 gaming, sci-fi
I miss d20 gaming... what do you play?

The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
t jagoda
2008-10-10 16:11:56 UTC
Yes! +1 to Wolfger's statement.

I actually work in Port Huron. Which is where I'm typing this e-mail

Uh.. I mean.. "Doing work from."
Post by Wolfger
Post by Rebecca Herber
Please excuse the necromancy but I thought I should tell you a little
about myself before I go asking for help.
Name: Rebecca "Becky" Herber-haven't been on IRC yet
Place: Port Huron
Woohoo! Another one "up this way". And then some... Still closer than
Ann Arbor. :-)
Post by Rebecca Herber
non-Ubuntu interests: MMO gaming, d20 gaming, sci-fi
I miss d20 gaming... what do you play?
The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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Rebecca Herber
2008-10-11 03:26:38 UTC
You know me Jer. I'm that Becky chick that goes to Bill's parties that
lives in Port Huron.

Actually I don't get to do as much d20 gaming as I used to do, at
least not around here. Port Huron's become the end of the world in
geekiness, we used to have a comic store, Kelly's Comics, that had
in-store gaming but they went out of business a few years ago. The
other store Taurus Comics isn't as supporting to the local gamers
seeing that they don't have the space for people to game, at least it
was that way last time I went in there last year. I could be wrong,
they may have a back room I don't know about that because I don't
frequent them like I used to when I was going to SC4.

Becky Herber
ramengirl at gmail.com
2008-10-11 03:43:38 UTC
Post by Rebecca Herber
You know me Jer. I'm that Becky chick that goes to Bill's parties that
lives in Port Huron.
Uh... I'm not Jer.
Post by Rebecca Herber
they may have a back room I don't know about that because I don't
frequent them like I used to when I was going to SC4.
You should start doing SCA again. We need more suckers -er- volunteers
in the shire. ;-)

But now I'm getting way off topic...

The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
Rebecca Herber
2008-10-12 01:31:50 UTC
Whoops, I must have been tired last night. *red face* I got you
confused with Jer Lance. lol

We never had anything as cool as the Society for Creative Anachronism
in Port Huron, I think we lack the the brain cells needed. SC4 is St.
Clair County Community College, the local community college.
Post by Wolfger
Post by Rebecca Herber
You know me Jer. I'm that Becky chick that goes to Bill's parties that
lives in Port Huron.
Uh... I'm not Jer.
Post by Rebecca Herber
they may have a back room I don't know about that because I don't
frequent them like I used to when I was going to SC4.
You should start doing SCA again. We need more suckers -er- volunteers
in the shire. ;-)
But now I'm getting way off topic...
Becky Herber
ramengirl at gmail.com
Matt Arnold
2008-10-11 14:56:32 UTC
Yes, Becky, you are recognized here! Welcome!
Post by Rebecca Herber
You know me Jer. I'm that Becky chick that goes to Bill's parties that
lives in Port Huron.
Actually I don't get to do as much d20 gaming as I used to do, at
least not around here. Port Huron's become the end of the world in
geekiness, we used to have a comic store, Kelly's Comics, that had
in-store gaming but they went out of business a few years ago. The
other store Taurus Comics isn't as supporting to the local gamers
seeing that they don't have the space for people to game, at least it
was that way last time I went in there last year. I could be wrong,
they may have a back room I don't know about that because I don't
frequent them like I used to when I was going to SC4.
Becky Herber
ramengirl at gmail.com
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
James Cnossen
2008-10-13 03:33:16 UTC
Well, my name is James. I've been using Ubuntu on and off for a couple
years, but now I have 8.04 LTS server edition running on my webserver, and
Windows Vista Buisness running on my main desktop. I live roughly halfway
between Muskegon and Grand Rapids, in a little town called Coopersville, and
I am going to Muskegon Community College for Computer Science. Well,
anything else you want to know just ask.
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Greg Grossmeier
2008-10-13 03:36:39 UTC
Post by James Cnossen
Well, my name is James. I've been using Ubuntu on and off for a couple
years, but now I have 8.04 LTS server edition running on my webserver,
and Windows Vista Buisness running on my main desktop. I live roughly
halfway between Muskegon and Grand Rapids, in a little town called
Coopersville, and I am going to Muskegon Community College for Computer
Science. Well, anything else you want to know just ask.
Welcome aboard!

If you can, be sure to come to our Release Party for Intrepid on Nov.
1st in Ypsilanti.

More info here:


