[ubuntu-us-mi] Penguicon Packaging Jam?
2007-11-19 16:23:34 UTC
An idea just struck me. Since it seems likely there will be a
higher-than-normal concentration of Ubuntu folk at Penguicon this
year, maybe a packaging jam would be a good idea?
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Rick Harding
2007-11-19 16:32:47 UTC
Post by Wolfger
An idea just struck me. Since it seems likely there will be a
higher-than-normal concentration of Ubuntu folk at Penguicon this
year, maybe a packaging jam would be a good idea?
This idea has been floated by Jorge and Aaron. I've never been to PC so
I want to get some details on what type of area/internet/power and such
is available to see how feasible it'll be to do.

2007-11-20 19:33:11 UTC
LoCo team:
I've got the necessary Penguicon and GLLUG folks on the line here
(reply to all, please). What would be our
time/space/power/connectivity requirement for running the packaging
jam? I wasn't at the previous one, so I'm not sure how long it would
take for the basic instruction.
I'm CC'ing this to the GLLUG guys who are running the computer Lounge.
That sounds good. I guess my next question is: who's running the
computer lounge? We'll need to coordinate with whoever that is for
space/time (people will want to bring in their own laptops for the
Getting additional power drops is expensive and tough, now that the
hotel contract is finalized. The computer lounge will not be in the
same place this year. It will be in Maple A (with the ATM outside,
next to the room that was Anime last year). It will get that entire
room, which is the same amount of space it took up in the ballroom, so
the Chaos Machine will be elsewhere. Is that acceptable?
I'm advocating the Ubuntu Michigan LoCo do a packaging jam at
Penguicon... The question arose about room/power/connectivity. The
computer room probably would not be the ideal place (assuming we will
have Chaos in there again), so what possibilities do we have? The BoF
room? Any ideas? I think we'd want like a 2 or 3 hour block...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rick Harding <rharding at mitechie.com>
Date: Nov 19, 2007 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-us-mi] Penguicon Packaging Jam?
To: Ubuntu Michigan Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com>
Post by Wolfger
An idea just struck me. Since it seems likely there will be a
higher-than-normal concentration of Ubuntu folk at Penguicon this
year, maybe a packaging jam would be a good idea?
This idea has been floated by Jorge and Aaron. I've never been to PC so
I want to get some details on what type of area/internet/power and such
is available to see how feasible it'll be to do.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Rick Harding
2007-11-21 00:55:40 UTC
Post by Wolfger
I've got the necessary Penguicon and GLLUG folks on the line here
(reply to all, please). What would be our
time/space/power/connectivity requirement for running the packaging
jam? I wasn't at the previous one, so I'm not sure how long it would
take for the basic instruction.
I'm CC'ing this to the GLLUG guys who are running the computer Lounge.
This is all depending on numbers so take it all with a grain of salt.
Basically when I ran this with 7 people we had wired/wireless internet.
I didn't want to flood my one access point or deal with getting people's
wireless working. Everyone needs to be able to get on the same subnet
though so share a gobby editing session.

The net connection needs to be able to handle everyone pulling packages
and such, but it's not a ton of total MB worth of stuff.

So then there's power for everyone with their laptops. Basically when I
did it I shot down the laptop-less.

We went on for nearly 8 hours with a lunch break and such. The trouble
is that it takes a while for everyone to get their GPG keys going so
maybe the best thing to do is split it into two events. One a giant
keysigning party and then the packaging part where you put those keys to

Jorge has been talking of trying to make it a joint event with the Ohio
Loco so it sounds like there's potential for this to be a much larger
event than my 7 person thing. I'm all for limiting/setting up some kind
of sign up though to keep it to those truly interested and to prevent
slowing things down too much with too many people.

my .02
Rick Harding
Marshal Newrock
2007-11-21 01:06:41 UTC
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 19:55:40 -0500
Post by Rick Harding
This is all depending on numbers so take it all with a grain of salt.
Basically when I ran this with 7 people we had wired/wireless
internet. I didn't want to flood my one access point or deal with
getting people's wireless working. Everyone needs to be able to get
on the same subnet though so share a gobby editing session.
The net connection needs to be able to handle everyone pulling
packages and such, but it's not a ton of total MB worth of stuff.
I'll just address this here. If you're using the Computer Lounge
network, then there should be a caching web proxy, so that would
decrease the bandwidth requirements. I'm assuming that packages are
fetched via http and ftp.

As far as networking, then I'm sure that one way or another, we can get
all of the computers on the same subnet. Either with a wireless router
which provides dhcp, with a switch hanging off of it for the wired
computers, or by making sure there's a network card specifically for
packaging jam computers in the terminal server, and having the terminal
server provide dhcp.
Marshal Newrock
Ideal Solution, LLC - http://www.idealso.com
Matt Arnold
2007-11-21 01:20:57 UTC
Keysigning! Brilliant! I'm penciling one into the schedule right now.
Post by Marshal Newrock
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 19:55:40 -0500
Post by Rick Harding
This is all depending on numbers so take it all with a grain of salt.
Basically when I ran this with 7 people we had wired/wireless
internet. I didn't want to flood my one access point or deal with
getting people's wireless working. Everyone needs to be able to get
on the same subnet though so share a gobby editing session.
The net connection needs to be able to handle everyone pulling
packages and such, but it's not a ton of total MB worth of stuff.
I'll just address this here. If you're using the Computer Lounge
network, then there should be a caching web proxy, so that would
decrease the bandwidth requirements. I'm assuming that packages are
fetched via http and ftp.
As far as networking, then I'm sure that one way or another, we can get
all of the computers on the same subnet. Either with a wireless router
which provides dhcp, with a switch hanging off of it for the wired
computers, or by making sure there's a network card specifically for
packaging jam computers in the terminal server, and having the terminal
server provide dhcp.
Marshal Newrock
Ideal Solution, LLC - http://www.idealso.com
Trevor Jagoda
2007-11-21 02:30:21 UTC
While we've got your ear, Mat, the LoCo have also been pondering the
idea of a panel. Basically, we'd like to host a sort of Ubuntu Q&A
panel. I dont remember at this very moment what we decided the final
sticky ideas would be, but is there space for the sort of panel were

Trevor Jagoda
Post by Matt Arnold
Keysigning! Brilliant! I'm penciling one into the schedule right now.
Post by Marshal Newrock
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 19:55:40 -0500
Post by Rick Harding
This is all depending on numbers so take it all with a grain of salt.
Basically when I ran this with 7 people we had wired/wireless
internet. I didn't want to flood my one access point or deal with
getting people's wireless working. Everyone needs to be able to get
on the same subnet though so share a gobby editing session.
The net connection needs to be able to handle everyone pulling
packages and such, but it's not a ton of total MB worth of stuff.
I'll just address this here. If you're using the Computer Lounge
network, then there should be a caching web proxy, so that would
decrease the bandwidth requirements. I'm assuming that packages are
fetched via http and ftp.
As far as networking, then I'm sure that one way or another, we can get
all of the computers on the same subnet. Either with a wireless router
which provides dhcp, with a switch hanging off of it for the wired
computers, or by making sure there's a network card specifically for
packaging jam computers in the terminal server, and having the terminal
server provide dhcp.
Marshal Newrock
Ideal Solution, LLC - http://www.idealso.com
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
Matt Arnold
2007-11-21 02:40:19 UTC

My last mail got a bounce message, and I certainly don't think
replying to spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com is going to work, so I'm not
sure who's going to see this. But maybe you can put me on the list,
since I've wanted to be more a part of the Ubuntu Michigan local
community for a long time. I've been an Ubuntu user for several years.
(One for whom DVDs and Flash are not working under Gutsy, by the way.
Also I have broken my splash screen.)

An Ubuntu Q & A would be fantastic. You just need to decide who the
target audience is. Then tell me the names of the panelists.

Tim Schmidt, head of Tech programming, are you getting this?

Post by Trevor Jagoda
While we've got your ear, Mat, the LoCo have also been pondering the
idea of a panel. Basically, we'd like to host a sort of Ubuntu Q&A
panel. I dont remember at this very moment what we decided the final
sticky ideas would be, but is there space for the sort of panel were
Trevor Jagoda
Post by Matt Arnold
Keysigning! Brilliant! I'm penciling one into the schedule right now.
Post by Marshal Newrock
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 19:55:40 -0500
Post by Rick Harding
This is all depending on numbers so take it all with a grain of salt.
Basically when I ran this with 7 people we had wired/wireless
internet. I didn't want to flood my one access point or deal with
getting people's wireless working. Everyone needs to be able to get
on the same subnet though so share a gobby editing session.
The net connection needs to be able to handle everyone pulling
packages and such, but it's not a ton of total MB worth of stuff.
I'll just address this here. If you're using the Computer Lounge
network, then there should be a caching web proxy, so that would
decrease the bandwidth requirements. I'm assuming that packages are
fetched via http and ftp.
As far as networking, then I'm sure that one way or another, we can get
all of the computers on the same subnet. Either with a wireless router
which provides dhcp, with a switch hanging off of it for the wired
computers, or by making sure there's a network card specifically for
packaging jam computers in the terminal server, and having the terminal
server provide dhcp.
Marshal Newrock
Ideal Solution, LLC - http://www.idealso.com
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
Trevor Jagoda
2007-11-21 03:00:43 UTC
Interestingly enough, spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com is my legitimate
e-mail address. Perhaps I should've used a bit more foresight in
choosing that...

Anyway, the panel we were planing is basically a sort of Ubuntu 101, so
I suppose the target audience would be people who havent had much
experience with *buntu, or people who just want to know more about the
community/software in general. As for the names of the panelists, I'm
not positive. GUYS ON THE LOCO LIST, feel free to step forward. I'll
be a panelist (I'm especially good at narrating through slide shows and
bullets!), and I plan on being at PenguiCon all three nights, so
scheduling shouldn't be a problem for me. I've wanted to get involved
in the con anyway, really.

And as for joining the lists, you can in fact do that yourself! The
official wiki address is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichiganTeam ,
and a direct link to the mailing list subscriber is here:

Feel free to join up, we'd love to welcome you aboard!

Trevor Jagoda
Post by Matt Arnold
My last mail got a bounce message, and I certainly don't think
replying to spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com is going to work, so I'm not
sure who's going to see this. But maybe you can put me on the list,
since I've wanted to be more a part of the Ubuntu Michigan local
community for a long time. I've been an Ubuntu user for several years.
(One for whom DVDs and Flash are not working under Gutsy, by the way.
Also I have broken my splash screen.)
An Ubuntu Q & A would be fantastic. You just need to decide who the
target audience is. Then tell me the names of the panelists.
Tim Schmidt, head of Tech programming, are you getting this?
Post by Trevor Jagoda
While we've got your ear, Mat, the LoCo have also been pondering the
idea of a panel. Basically, we'd like to host a sort of Ubuntu Q&A
panel. I dont remember at this very moment what we decided the final
sticky ideas would be, but is there space for the sort of panel were
Trevor Jagoda
Post by Matt Arnold
Keysigning! Brilliant! I'm penciling one into the schedule right now.
Post by Marshal Newrock
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 19:55:40 -0500
Post by Rick Harding
This is all depending on numbers so take it all with a grain of salt.
Basically when I ran this with 7 people we had wired/wireless
internet. I didn't want to flood my one access point or deal with
getting people's wireless working. Everyone needs to be able to get
on the same subnet though so share a gobby editing session.
The net connection needs to be able to handle everyone pulling
packages and such, but it's not a ton of total MB worth of stuff.
I'll just address this here. If you're using the Computer Lounge
network, then there should be a caching web proxy, so that would
decrease the bandwidth requirements. I'm assuming that packages are
fetched via http and ftp.
As far as networking, then I'm sure that one way or another, we can get
all of the computers on the same subnet. Either with a wireless router
which provides dhcp, with a switch hanging off of it for the wired
computers, or by making sure there's a network card specifically for
packaging jam computers in the terminal server, and having the terminal
server provide dhcp.
Marshal Newrock
Ideal Solution, LLC - http://www.idealso.com
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
Craig Maloney
2007-11-21 05:21:25 UTC
Post by Trevor Jagoda
As for the names of the panelists, I'm
not positive. GUYS ON THE LOCO LIST, feel free to step forward.
I would be thrilled and honored to be a panelist.
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Jorge O. Castro
2007-11-21 14:27:52 UTC
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Anyway, the panel we were planing is basically a sort of Ubuntu 101, so
I suppose the target audience would be people who havent had much
experience with *buntu, or people who just want to know more about the
community/software in general. As for the names of the panelists, I'm
not positive. GUYS ON THE LOCO LIST, feel free to step forward.
I'm willing to sit in on a panel and take part in the discussion. Also
I can take notes and give feedback to the ubuntu developers. Caveat:
I'd like to see it be a focused Q+A session and not have it degenerate
into a gripe session. ie. we don't need to whine for 45 minutes about
unsupported broadcom wireless cards. :)
Jay R. Wren
2007-11-21 14:48:39 UTC
Post by Jorge O. Castro
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Anyway, the panel we were planing is basically a sort of Ubuntu 101, so
I suppose the target audience would be people who havent had much
experience with *buntu, or people who just want to know more about the
community/software in general. As for the names of the panelists, I'm
not positive. GUYS ON THE LOCO LIST, feel free to step forward.
I'm willing to sit in on a panel and take part in the discussion. Also
I'd like to see it be a focused Q+A session and not have it degenerate
into a gripe session. ie. we don't need to whine for 45 minutes about
unsupported broadcom wireless cards. :)
It sounds like what the panel needs to go along with it is a good
moderator to keep things on track. I volunteer myself for that. I feel
like I have a pretty good idea of the state of things and I certainly
know the pain points that might derail the conversation. It is fine to
bring up "what about DVD or MP3" pain points, but the entire discussion
doesn't need to digress to "things that don't work and I hate
Microsoft." I think I can do the job of keeping it on track and productive.
Aaron Thul
2007-11-21 14:54:03 UTC
I throw in a second vote for Jwren and will supply him with a baseball
bat in the event someone does not get the point :-)
Post by Jay R. Wren
Post by Jorge O. Castro
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Anyway, the panel we were planing is basically a sort of Ubuntu 101, so
I suppose the target audience would be people who havent had much
experience with *buntu, or people who just want to know more about the
community/software in general. As for the names of the panelists, I'm
not positive. GUYS ON THE LOCO LIST, feel free to step forward.
I'm willing to sit in on a panel and take part in the discussion. Also
I'd like to see it be a focused Q+A session and not have it degenerate
into a gripe session. ie. we don't need to whine for 45 minutes about
unsupported broadcom wireless cards. :)
It sounds like what the panel needs to go along with it is a good
moderator to keep things on track. I volunteer myself for that. I feel
like I have a pretty good idea of the state of things and I certainly
know the pain points that might derail the conversation. It is fine to
bring up "what about DVD or MP3" pain points, but the entire discussion
doesn't need to digress to "things that don't work and I hate
Microsoft." I think I can do the job of keeping it on track and productive.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
Aaron Thul
2007-11-21 12:33:03 UTC
If you need another panelist, I'm willing to help (hopefully the panel
won't conflict with a Tom Smith or Randall Munroe panel....), but I've
only been using Kubuntu for a few months now (used Ubuntu for 2 weeks
before the lack of KDE drove me insane, used Mepis and Gentoo for
quite some time before that), so I might not be the best panelist for
Post by Matt Arnold
My last mail got a bounce message, and I certainly don't think
replying to spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com is going to work, so I'm not
sure who's going to see this. But maybe you can put me on the list,
since I've wanted to be more a part of the Ubuntu Michigan local
community for a long time. I've been an Ubuntu user for several years.
(One for whom DVDs and Flash are not working under Gutsy, by the way.
Also I have broken my splash screen.)
An Ubuntu Q & A would be fantastic. You just need to decide who the
target audience is. Then tell me the names of the panelists.
Tim Schmidt, head of Tech programming, are you getting this?
Post by Trevor Jagoda
While we've got your ear, Mat, the LoCo have also been pondering the
idea of a panel. Basically, we'd like to host a sort of Ubuntu Q&A
panel. I dont remember at this very moment what we decided the final
sticky ideas would be, but is there space for the sort of panel were
Trevor Jagoda
Post by Matt Arnold
Keysigning! Brilliant! I'm penciling one into the schedule right now.
Post by Marshal Newrock
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 19:55:40 -0500
Post by Rick Harding
This is all depending on numbers so take it all with a grain of salt.
Basically when I ran this with 7 people we had wired/wireless
internet. I didn't want to flood my one access point or deal with
getting people's wireless working. Everyone needs to be able to get
on the same subnet though so share a gobby editing session.
The net connection needs to be able to handle everyone pulling
packages and such, but it's not a ton of total MB worth of stuff.
I'll just address this here. If you're using the Computer Lounge
network, then there should be a caching web proxy, so that would
decrease the bandwidth requirements. I'm assuming that packages are
fetched via http and ftp.
As far as networking, then I'm sure that one way or another, we can get
all of the computers on the same subnet. Either with a wireless router
which provides dhcp, with a switch hanging off of it for the wired
computers, or by making sure there's a network card specifically for
packaging jam computers in the terminal server, and having the terminal
server provide dhcp.
Marshal Newrock
Ideal Solution, LLC - http://www.idealso.com
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
2007-11-21 16:42:11 UTC
just a thought, there were some concerns over bandwidth, how about
setting up a local computer to be a repo mirror? Setting up people's
apt-list is about all you would have to do to make this happen. It
certainly would alleviate any issues of bandwidth strain...? Just a
josh p
Post by Wolfger
If you need another panelist, I'm willing to help (hopefully the panel
won't conflict with a Tom Smith or Randall Munroe panel....), but I've
only been using Kubuntu for a few months now (used Ubuntu for 2 weeks
before the lack of KDE drove me insane, used Mepis and Gentoo for
quite some time before that), so I might not be the best panelist for
Post by Matt Arnold
My last mail got a bounce message, and I certainly don't think
replying to spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com is going to work, so I'm not
sure who's going to see this. But maybe you can put me on the list,
since I've wanted to be more a part of the Ubuntu Michigan local
community for a long time. I've been an Ubuntu user for several years.
(One for whom DVDs and Flash are not working under Gutsy, by the way.
Also I have broken my splash screen.)
An Ubuntu Q & A would be fantastic. You just need to decide who the
target audience is. Then tell me the names of the panelists.
Tim Schmidt, head of Tech programming, are you getting this?
Post by Trevor Jagoda
While we've got your ear, Mat, the LoCo have also been pondering the
idea of a panel. Basically, we'd like to host a sort of Ubuntu Q&A
panel. I dont remember at this very moment what we decided the final
sticky ideas would be, but is there space for the sort of panel were
Trevor Jagoda
Post by Matt Arnold
Keysigning! Brilliant! I'm penciling one into the schedule right now.
Post by Marshal Newrock
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 19:55:40 -0500
Post by Rick Harding
This is all depending on numbers so take it all with a grain of salt.
Basically when I ran this with 7 people we had wired/wireless
internet. I didn't want to flood my one access point or deal with
getting people's wireless working. Everyone needs to be able to get
on the same subnet though so share a gobby editing session.
The net connection needs to be able to handle everyone pulling
packages and such, but it's not a ton of total MB worth of stuff.
I'll just address this here. If you're using the Computer Lounge
network, then there should be a caching web proxy, so that would
decrease the bandwidth requirements. I'm assuming that packages are
fetched via http and ftp.
As far as networking, then I'm sure that one way or another, we can get
all of the computers on the same subnet. Either with a wireless router
which provides dhcp, with a switch hanging off of it for the wired
computers, or by making sure there's a network card specifically for
packaging jam computers in the terminal server, and having the terminal
server provide dhcp.
Marshal Newrock
Ideal Solution, LLC - http://www.idealso.com
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Aaron Thul
2007-11-21 17:47:00 UTC

This is a great idea as the Penguicon event always strains a locations
Post by Josh
just a thought, there were some concerns over bandwidth, how about
setting up a local computer to be a repo mirror? Setting up people's
apt-list is about all you would have to do to make this happen. It
certainly would alleviate any issues of bandwidth strain...? Just a
josh p
Post by Wolfger
If you need another panelist, I'm willing to help (hopefully the panel
won't conflict with a Tom Smith or Randall Munroe panel....), but I've
only been using Kubuntu for a few months now (used Ubuntu for 2 weeks
before the lack of KDE drove me insane, used Mepis and Gentoo for
quite some time before that), so I might not be the best panelist for
Post by Matt Arnold
My last mail got a bounce message, and I certainly don't think
replying to spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com is going to work, so I'm not
sure who's going to see this. But maybe you can put me on the list,
since I've wanted to be more a part of the Ubuntu Michigan local
community for a long time. I've been an Ubuntu user for several years.
(One for whom DVDs and Flash are not working under Gutsy, by the way.
Also I have broken my splash screen.)
An Ubuntu Q & A would be fantastic. You just need to decide who the
target audience is. Then tell me the names of the panelists.
Tim Schmidt, head of Tech programming, are you getting this?
Post by Trevor Jagoda
While we've got your ear, Mat, the LoCo have also been pondering the
idea of a panel. Basically, we'd like to host a sort of Ubuntu Q&A
panel. I dont remember at this very moment what we decided the final
sticky ideas would be, but is there space for the sort of panel were
Trevor Jagoda
Post by Matt Arnold
Keysigning! Brilliant! I'm penciling one into the schedule right now.
Post by Marshal Newrock
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 19:55:40 -0500
Post by Rick Harding
This is all depending on numbers so take it all with a grain of salt.
Basically when I ran this with 7 people we had wired/wireless
internet. I didn't want to flood my one access point or deal with
getting people's wireless working. Everyone needs to be able to get
on the same subnet though so share a gobby editing session.
The net connection needs to be able to handle everyone pulling
packages and such, but it's not a ton of total MB worth of stuff.
I'll just address this here. If you're using the Computer Lounge
network, then there should be a caching web proxy, so that would
decrease the bandwidth requirements. I'm assuming that packages are
fetched via http and ftp.
As far as networking, then I'm sure that one way or another, we can get
all of the computers on the same subnet. Either with a wireless router
which provides dhcp, with a switch hanging off of it for the wired
computers, or by making sure there's a network card specifically for
packaging jam computers in the terminal server, and having the terminal
server provide dhcp.
Marshal Newrock
Ideal Solution, LLC - http://www.idealso.com
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
Aaron Thul
Charles Ulrich
2007-11-21 04:30:45 UTC
Post by Marshal Newrock
I'll just address this here. If you're using the Computer Lounge
network, then there should be a caching web proxy, so that would
decrease the bandwidth requirements. I'm assuming that packages are
fetched via http and ftp.
I guess it depends on how bandwidth-intensive this activity is going
to be. If each person just needs the build-essential packages and a
few other tools, a caching proxy is probably going overboard. But if
everyone needs access to the same few hundred megabytes, we could just
mirror that stuff locally on the terminal server or someone's laptop.
Post by Marshal Newrock
As far as networking, then I'm sure that one way or another, we can get
all of the computers on the same subnet. Either with a wireless router
which provides dhcp, with a switch hanging off of it for the wired
computers, or by making sure there's a network card specifically for
packaging jam computers in the terminal server, and having the terminal
server provide dhcp.
That sounds like the simplest way to go. I think in previous years we
tried to physically separate the terminals from the rest of the lounge
network but that shouldn't be necessary now since LTSP sessions are
encrypted by default. People who don't bring laptops (which is
actually quite a lot) could participate in the packaging jam by
grabbing a terminal and following along.

I highly recommend figuring out a way to pare down the jam to 2-3
hours at most or break it up like Matt suggested. A 6-8 hour stint in
the lounge really isn't going to fly and very few Penguicon attendees
will have that kind of attention span anyway. There's just too much
going on over the course of the very short weekend. I know I have a
hard enough time sitting through a single hour-long panel, even when
the topic is interesting.

Craig Maloney
2007-11-19 16:37:00 UTC
Post by Wolfger
An idea just struck me. Since it seems likely there will be a
higher-than-normal concentration of Ubuntu folk at Penguicon this
year, maybe a packaging jam would be a good idea?
I think it would be a great idea. What all is involved in hosting a
packaging jam?
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Trevor Jagoda
2007-11-19 17:42:48 UTC
A packaging jam format might not work, you might want to be considering
a panel on packaging instead.
Post by Craig Maloney
Post by Wolfger
An idea just struck me. Since it seems likely there will be a
higher-than-normal concentration of Ubuntu folk at Penguicon this
year, maybe a packaging jam would be a good idea?
I think it would be a great idea. What all is involved in hosting a
packaging jam?
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
2007-11-19 17:45:37 UTC
Post by Trevor Jagoda
A packaging jam format might not work, you might want to be considering
a panel on packaging instead.
I'm not sure a panel would be very useful... hands-on is better. Why
do you think a jam format might not work?
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Trevor Jagoda
2007-11-19 17:58:35 UTC
Because of the way PC is layed out. There isnt a good spot for a large
hands on activity like that.
Post by Wolfger
Post by Trevor Jagoda
A packaging jam format might not work, you might want to be considering
a panel on packaging instead.
I'm not sure a panel would be very useful... hands-on is better. Why
do you think a jam format might not work?
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
Aaron Thul
2007-11-19 18:06:06 UTC
I think you can make it work but will want to tell people to bring
their laptops. If you do not have a lot of people this could be done
in the board room, I think up to 16 people. Just put a power strip
in the middle of the table and from that room you can hop into the
lobby wifi.
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Because of the way PC is layed out. There isnt a good spot for a large
hands on activity like that.
Post by Wolfger
Post by Trevor Jagoda
A packaging jam format might not work, you might want to be considering
a panel on packaging instead.
I'm not sure a panel would be very useful... hands-on is better. Why
do you think a jam format might not work?
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
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Aaron Thul
Trevor Jagoda
2007-11-19 18:22:57 UTC
You need to worry more about power, I think. Thats a lot of laptops on
one circuit. There would probably have to be some kind of coordination
Post by Aaron Thul
I think you can make it work but will want to tell people to bring
their laptops. If you do not have a lot of people this could be done
in the board room, I think up to 16 people. Just put a power strip
in the middle of the table and from that room you can hop into the
lobby wifi.
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Because of the way PC is layed out. There isnt a good spot for a large
hands on activity like that.
Post by Wolfger
Post by Trevor Jagoda
A packaging jam format might not work, you might want to be considering
a panel on packaging instead.
I'm not sure a panel would be very useful... hands-on is better. Why
do you think a jam format might not work?
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
Aaron Thul
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
2007-11-19 18:32:50 UTC
Well, as soon as the question was asked (about
room/power/connectivity), I ran it up the flagpole with ConComm. The
suggestion is that we could use the computer lounge (ample power and
connectivity), which will NOT be in the same location as last year
(i.e. not sharing a room with the very noisy Chaos Machine). GLLUG is
running the lounge again this year, so we can coordinate with them for
space/time considerations.
Post by Trevor Jagoda
You need to worry more about power, I think. Thats a lot of laptops on
one circuit. There would probably have to be some kind of coordination
Post by Aaron Thul
I think you can make it work but will want to tell people to bring
their laptops. If you do not have a lot of people this could be done
in the board room, I think up to 16 people. Just put a power strip
in the middle of the table and from that room you can hop into the
lobby wifi.
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Because of the way PC is layed out. There isnt a good spot for a large
hands on activity like that.
Post by Wolfger
Post by Trevor Jagoda
A packaging jam format might not work, you might want to be considering
a panel on packaging instead.
I'm not sure a panel would be very useful... hands-on is better. Why
do you think a jam format might not work?
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
Aaron Thul
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Trevor Jagoda
2007-11-19 18:54:04 UTC
Okay, we should probably bundle this in with the panel idea and get
something official sent to the right people at PenguiCon.
Post by Wolfger
Well, as soon as the question was asked (about
room/power/connectivity), I ran it up the flagpole with ConComm. The
suggestion is that we could use the computer lounge (ample power and
connectivity), which will NOT be in the same location as last year
(i.e. not sharing a room with the very noisy Chaos Machine). GLLUG is
running the lounge again this year, so we can coordinate with them for
space/time considerations.
Post by Trevor Jagoda
You need to worry more about power, I think. Thats a lot of laptops on
one circuit. There would probably have to be some kind of coordination
Post by Aaron Thul
I think you can make it work but will want to tell people to bring
their laptops. If you do not have a lot of people this could be done
in the board room, I think up to 16 people. Just put a power strip
in the middle of the table and from that room you can hop into the
lobby wifi.
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Because of the way PC is layed out. There isnt a good spot for a large
hands on activity like that.
Post by Wolfger
Post by Trevor Jagoda
A packaging jam format might not work, you might want to be considering
a panel on packaging instead.
I'm not sure a panel would be very useful... hands-on is better. Why
do you think a jam format might not work?
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
Aaron Thul
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger
Trevor Jagoda
spam.goes.here48048 at gmail.com
Linux Registered User #455695
Message Printed on 100% Recyclable Electrons.