[ubuntu-us-mi] Dell Mini9
Timothy Hoffmeyer
2008-12-16 07:31:35 UTC
Hi, I havent posted in awhile, but I have been without internet. Just wanted
to drop in and say.. That I got a Dell Mini9 and im installing Ubuntu 8.10
on it at the moment. Seems to be going alright. I will let you know how it
is when I finish it up, and install notebook-remix. Since it came
pre-installed with Windows XP.. :-/
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Jonathan Jesse
2008-12-16 14:40:00 UTC
At UDS Jaunty I used my Dell Mini running 8.10 Ubuntu/Kubuntu and loved it.
Gwibber is a great tool for keeping up with up Twitter, Identi.ca, Facebook,

Works great, found I don't use the netbook launcher as much as I thought I

Post by Timothy Hoffmeyer
Hi, I havent posted in awhile, but I have been without internet. Just
wanted to drop in and say.. That I got a Dell Mini9 and im installing Ubuntu
8.10 on it at the moment. Seems to be going alright. I will let you know how
it is when I finish it up, and install notebook-remix. Since it came
pre-installed with Windows XP.. :-/
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