[ubuntu-us-mi] Greetings
David Murphy
2011-03-31 02:50:55 UTC
Hi folks, I just discovered the LoCo group while poking around for info on Natty. I think I'm going to try to make it to the Global Jam event this weekend. The only piece of portable hardware I have is a netbook... hopefully it'll be up to the task. I've been using Ubuntu for about 4 years now. Though I'm far from a guru, I'd consider myself a "savvy casual" or intermediate Linux user, so hopefully I'll be able to contribute something!

If there's anything else I should be aware of, or any helpful pre-reading before the event, please let me know. Thanks!

-Dave Murphy

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Jeff Hanson
2011-03-31 05:28:55 UTC
Welcome. I'm in the Alpena area so I won't be at the Jam but I've
been testing Natty and filing some bugs reports on it.
Post by David Murphy
Hi folks, I just discovered the LoCo group while poking around for info on
Natty. I think I'm going to try to make it to the Global Jam event this
weekend. The only piece of portable hardware I have is a netbook...
hopefully it'll be up to the task. I've been using Ubuntu for about 4 years
now. Though I'm far from a guru, I'd consider myself a "savvy casual" or
intermediate Linux user, so hopefully I'll be able to contribute something!
If there's anything else I should be aware of, or any helpful pre-reading
before the event, please let me know. Thanks!
-Dave Murphy
Greg Grossmeier
2011-03-31 12:40:13 UTC
<quoting name="David Murphy" date="2011-03-30" time="22:50:55 -0400">
Post by David Murphy
Hi folks, I just discovered the LoCo group while poking around for info
on Natty.
Glad you found us!
Post by David Murphy
I think I'm going to try to make it to the Global Jam event this
Post by David Murphy
The only piece of portable hardware I have is a netbook... hopefully
it'll be up to the task.
I bet it will, and plus, testing on various hardware types is a great
idea. Do you have a USB stick that you can put an installation of Ubuntu
on, it will require the stick to be reformatted (ie: you'll lose any data
on it)?
Post by David Murphy
I've been using Ubuntu for about 4 years now.
Though I'm far from a guru, I'd consider myself a "savvy casual" or
intermediate Linux user, so hopefully I'll be able to contribute
Everyone has something to contribute at a Global Jam, seriously. And, the
Jam is also about teaching, so be prepared to learn a little bit (it'll
be fun, I promise!).
Post by David Murphy
If there's anything else I should be aware of, or any helpful
pre-reading before the event, please let me know. Thanks!
See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJamBootcamp
The "Do's and Don'ts of bug triaging" and "All about those live isos" are
two IRC sessions that go over some information that will be useful for
our Jam. This isn't required reading, but if you have time, see what you
can glean from it.

Welcome to the group and see you on Sunday!

| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |