[ubuntu-us-mi] EFF (was: wtf?!)
Robert Citek
2009-04-18 05:34:27 UTC
I'm glad I didn't renew my FSF membership this year - I feel my contribution
to the EFF is much more well spent.
Talking about the EFF:


"Boston College Campus Police: "Using Prompt Commands" May Be a Sign
of Criminal Activity"

A flashier title would have been "Use Ubuntu, go to jail."

- Robert
2009-04-18 12:12:56 UTC
Post by Robert Citek
"Boston College Campus Police: "Using Prompt Commands" May Be a Sign
of Criminal Activity"
A flashier title would have been "Use Ubuntu, go to jail."
That is, in fact, the comment I made on the article when I shared it
(via Google Reader or via Identica/Twitter, I don't recall)


The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
Jonathan Billings
2009-04-18 15:17:06 UTC
Post by Robert Citek
I'm glad I didn't renew my FSF membership this year - I feel my contribution
to the EFF is much more well spent.
"Boston College Campus Police: "Using Prompt Commands" May Be a Sign
of Criminal Activity"
A flashier title would have been "Use Ubuntu, go to jail."
Unfortunately, a lot of the hype around this story focuses on the fact
that he uses linux, and not the fact that there is a lot of evidence
against him about him being involved with serious crimes. There's
evidence in DHCP logs and IP information that would give good reason
for the computers to be confiscated.

It's unfortunate that the arresting officer has such a
microsoft-centric viewpoint. Take a look at the end of this document:
http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/inresearchBC/EXHIBIT-A.pdf, you'll
see paragraphs about how to undelete files from a FAT filesystem, and
recover internet histry from IE's caches. I suspect the officer will
be quite perplexed by ext3 and firefox.
Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>