[ubuntu-us-mi] Request for Disks
Mark Jones
2008-08-26 17:15:29 UTC
I am the Chairman for the Kalamazoo Linux User's Group (KLUG). We are coming up on our monthly assistance meeting. We have several requests for installs. We like to send people home with an Ubuntu branded disk. Alas, our supplies have run out.

Anyone know where we can get some more disks fairly quickly? I know we can order some through Canonical but our order from May is still not filled.

Yes, we can and have downloaded the ISO's and burnt them to disk. We prefer the branded disk. People react to them a lot better than a home-burnt ISO.

Mark Jones
KLUG Chairman
Greg Grossmeier
2008-08-27 02:39:39 UTC
I don't have any Hardy CDs from Canonical; maybe someone else from the
list might. And it wouldn't make much sense for me to order the 300
pack of cds we get as a team for Hardy as Intrepid is closing in (with
shipping time factored in). I will of course put in the order for the
Intrepid CDs as soon as I can. If you would like any of those let me
know (and any other LUG members on this list).


Post by Mark Jones
I am the Chairman for the Kalamazoo Linux User's Group (KLUG). We are coming up on our monthly assistance meeting. We have several requests for installs. We like to send people home with an Ubuntu branded disk. Alas, our supplies have run out.
Anyone know where we can get some more disks fairly quickly? I know we can order some through Canonical but our order from May is still not filled.
Yes, we can and have downloaded the ISO's and burnt them to disk. We prefer the branded disk. People react to them a lot better than a home-burnt ISO.
Mark Jones
KLUG Chairman
Marc Zuverink
2008-08-27 04:49:46 UTC
Hash: SHA1
Post by Greg Grossmeier
I don't have any Hardy CDs from Canonical; maybe someone else from the
list might. And it wouldn't make much sense for me to order the 300
pack of cds we get as a team for Hardy as Intrepid is closing in (with
shipping time factored in). I will of course put in the order for the
Intrepid CDs as soon as I can. If you would like any of those let me
know (and any other LUG members on this list).
Post by Mark Jones
I am the Chairman for the Kalamazoo Linux User's Group (KLUG). We are
coming up on our monthly assistance meeting. We have several requests
for installs. We like to send people home with an Ubuntu branded disk.
Alas, our supplies have run out.
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Post by Mark Jones
Anyone know where we can get some more disks fairly quickly? I know
we can order some through Canonical but our order from May is still not
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Post by Mark Jones
Yes, we can and have downloaded the ISO's and burnt them to disk. We
prefer the branded disk. People react to them a lot better than a
home-burnt ISO.
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Post by Mark Jones
Mark Jones
KLUG Chairman
Greg, I have not been too active in the LOCO by attending meeting and
such, but have been doing a lot of install festivals and advocate at
all times. I have never made a big deal out of with the LOCO and maybe
I should taken pictures and all that to show West Side Rep. I am in
Holland, my transportation is an old Puch moped and cross country
style skiing for transportation in the winer, so attending LOCO
meeting on the East side is impossible without some type of ride
Anyways, what I am wondering about the discs we can order through
Canonical in large lost, like 300. Is there a cost to the Loco? I
have been burning my own DVD's and distributing Ubuntu at my costs,
but I am on my third spindle of a hundred since the release of Hardy.
Is there a way is the State Loco gets/orders Intrepid DVD could some
possibly get Diverted to the West side. If I could purchase a box of
300, mixed arch, something like 80% 32 bit, 15 amd64, and the rest
split between 32 and 64 sever editions or alternative, you know what I
need, let me know the LOCO are limited to and or the price of such an
order, it would be cool.

- --
Marc Zuverink <mzuverink at gmail.com>
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2008-08-27 12:08:44 UTC
Post by Marc Zuverink
Greg, I have not been too active in the LOCO by attending meeting and
such, but have been doing a lot of install festivals and advocate at
all times. I have never made a big deal out of with the LOCO and maybe
I should taken pictures and all that to show West Side Rep.
Yes, yes, YES! Please do let us all know what is happening in your area. We
are the Michigan LoCo, not the AnnArbor/Detroit LoCo. Not only does it help
the group to justify our status as an official LoCo, but there's other
west-siders who may not know what's going on over there because all the talk
here is by the east-siders. Represent!
Post by Marc Zuverink
I am in
Holland, my transportation is an old Puch moped and cross country
style skiing for transportation in the winer, so attending LOCO
meeting on the East side is impossible without some type of ride
We used to have bi-monthly IRC meetings. Not sure when/why that stopped, but
I think we should revive it. Or at least a monthly meeting. I will pencil
one in right now on the group calendar (everybody knows we have a Michigan
LoCo Google Calendar, right?) for the first Monday of the month, at 8PM.
This is, of course, open to discussion... but better to schedule now and
change it than wait for everybody to come to an agreement (which could well
take a month) :-)

The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
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Greg Grossmeier
2008-08-27 21:29:39 UTC
Post by Wolfger
Yes, yes, YES! Please do let us all know what is happening in your area.
We are the Michigan LoCo, not the AnnArbor/Detroit LoCo. Not only does
it help the group to justify our status as an official LoCo, but there's
other west-siders who may not know what's going on over there because
all the talk here is by the east-siders. Represent!
Post by Wolfger
We used to have bi-monthly IRC meetings. Not sure when/why that stopped,
My bad.
Post by Wolfger
but I think we should revive it. Or at least a monthly meeting. I will
pencil one in right now on the group calendar (everybody knows we have a
Michigan LoCo Google Calendar, right?) for the first Monday of the
month, at 8PM. This is, of course, open to discussion... but better to
schedule now and change it than wait for everybody to come to an
agreement (which could well take a month) :-)
That, in general, is a great time.

Wolfger: would you be able to run the first meeting? I will be at a
"last day before classes start" party. Sorry, it was planned first ;).

But yet, lets do that meeting and possibly bump it up to bi-weekly if
there is interest.

Thanks for bringing this up guys!

2008-08-28 01:16:56 UTC
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 5:29 PM, Greg Grossmeier
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Post by Greg Grossmeier
I will
pencil one in right now on the group calendar (everybody knows we have a
Michigan LoCo Google Calendar, right?) for the first Monday of the
month, at 8PM.
That, in general, is a great time.
Wolfger: would you be able to run the first meeting? I will be at a
"last day before classes start" party. Sorry, it was planned first ;).
Not a problem. I kinda figured, being the one to say "hey, we should do
this" that I should plan on having to run the show... But I don't think I
have ops in the channel, to change the topic and whatnot.

But yet, lets do that meeting and possibly bump it up to bi-weekly if
Post by Greg Grossmeier
there is interest.
Sounds good to me.

The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
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Robert Citek
2008-08-27 22:38:53 UTC
Post by Wolfger
Post by Marc Zuverink
Greg, I have not been too active in the LOCO by attending meeting and
such, but have been doing a lot of install festivals and advocate at
all times. I have never made a big deal out of with the LOCO and maybe
I should taken pictures and all that to show West Side Rep.
Yes, yes, YES! Please do let us all know what is happening in your area. We
are the Michigan LoCo, not the AnnArbor/Detroit LoCo. Not only does it help
the group to justify our status as an official LoCo, but there's other
west-siders who may not know what's going on over there because all the talk
here is by the east-siders. Represent!
At OSCON this year, one of the presenters (Jono?) made the point that
LoCo's were inteded to be state-wide and not city-specific nor even
region-specific. I forget the rationale, but I do remember that
comment. Despite the best-intentions, you can still find city and
region-specific LoCo's on the LoCo pages.

- Robert
Greg Grossmeier
2008-08-27 22:54:52 UTC
Post by Robert Citek
At OSCON this year, one of the presenters (Jono?) made the point that
LoCo's were inteded to be state-wide and not city-specific nor even
region-specific. I forget the rationale, but I do remember that
comment. Despite the best-intentions, you can still find city and
region-specific LoCo's on the LoCo pages.
Yeah. Except for a small number of exceptions (Chicago, Dallas/Ft.
Worth) the state-wide teams are recommended. The reason is that you can
then leverage the resources of everyone interested in the state for big
projects (like overwhelming Penguicon with Ubuntu people, for example).

Also, there is no reason we can't have regional face-to-face meetings
due to driving considerations where there is sufficient interest. Marc
and I actually had this discussion a while ago. We should just stay
under the same umbrella of the Michigan LoCo. They wouldn't be separate
city teams, just separate meeting places.

Just my rambling thoughts on the topic.

Summary: regional face-to-face meetings good, staying as a coherent
state-wide team good, any sort of fragmentation bad.

Greg Grossmeier
2008-08-27 21:21:28 UTC
Post by Marc Zuverink
Greg, I have not been too active in the LOCO by attending meeting and
such, but have been doing a lot of install festivals and advocate at
all times. I have never made a big deal out of with the LOCO and maybe
I should taken pictures and all that to show West Side Rep. I am in
Holland, my transportation is an old Puch moped and cross country
style skiing for transportation in the winer, so attending LOCO
meeting on the East side is impossible without some type of ride
I understand the whole "you're too dang far away from me" thing. It is
something I hope can be solved by regional meetings.
Post by Marc Zuverink
Anyways, what I am wondering about the discs we can order through
Canonical in large lost, like 300. Is there a cost to the Loco?
There is no cost to the LOCOs for their shipment of about 300 cds (split
up between 32 and 64bit, ubuntu, kubuntu, and edubuntu). But that is
all we get each release cycle.

Post by Marc Zuverink
have been burning my own DVD's and distributing Ubuntu at my costs,
but I am on my third spindle of a hundred since the release of Hardy.
Is there a way is the State Loco gets/orders Intrepid DVD could some
possibly get Diverted to the West side. If I could purchase a box of
300, mixed arch, something like 80% 32 bit, 15 amd64, and the rest
split between 32 and 64 sever editions or alternative, you know what I
need, let me know the LOCO are limited to and or the price of such an
order, it would be cool.
I can of course send you some when I get the Intrepid shipment. Plus, I
would suggest that you get all your friends to request the free 10
Canonical gives community members. I know 10 isn't very many, but
hopefully that will help.

So, right now I have you and Mark Jones from the KLUG to send out some
disks to. You may need to remind me when Intrepid is released.

Since Penguicon is always 1 week before the next Ubuntu release, we
don't have to worry about having a ton on hand for that event (which is
in May this year, again one/two weeks before Intrepid+1).


2008-08-28 01:14:10 UTC
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Greg Grossmeier
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Since Penguicon is always 1 week before the next Ubuntu release, we
don't have to worry about having a ton on hand for that event (which is
in May this year, again one/two weeks before Intrepid+1).
Huh? Canonical is breaking from the .04/.10 schedule for Intrepid+1? May is
.05, which should make it ideal for a release party...

The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
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Greg Grossmeier
2008-08-28 19:26:30 UTC
I can't count.
Post by Wolfger
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Greg Grossmeier
Since Penguicon is always 1 week before the next Ubuntu release, we
don't have to worry about having a ton on hand for that event (which is
in May this year, again one/two weeks before Intrepid+1).
Huh? Canonical is breaking from the .04/.10 schedule for Intrepid+1? May
is .05, which should make it ideal for a release party...
The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
Mark Jones
2008-08-28 04:08:46 UTC
Can you still order the Hardy CDs? We will take as many as we can get. After various problems for new users with 7.04 and especially 7.10, we have decided to hand out only the LTS versions to NEW users. We will have the intermediate versions available for advanced users.

Mark Jones
Kalamazoo Linux User Group (KLUG) Chairman '08

----- Original Message ----
From: Greg Grossmeier <greg.grossmeier at gmail.com>
To: Ubuntu Michigan Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 10:39:39 PM
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-us-mi] Request for Disks
I don't have any Hardy CDs from Canonical; maybe someone else from the
list might. And it wouldn't make much sense for me to order the 300
pack of cds we get as a team for Hardy as Intrepid is closing in (with
shipping time factored in). I will of course put in the order for the
Intrepid CDs as soon as I can. If you would like any of those let me
know (and any other LUG members on this list).
Post by Mark Jones
I am the Chairman for the Kalamazoo Linux User's Group (KLUG). We are coming
up on our monthly assistance meeting. We have several requests for installs.
We like to send people home with an Ubuntu branded disk. Alas, our supplies
have run out.
Post by Mark Jones
Anyone know where we can get some more disks fairly quickly? I know we can
order some through Canonical but our order from May is still not filled.
Post by Mark Jones
Yes, we can and have downloaded the ISO's and burnt them to disk. We prefer
the branded disk. People react to them a lot better than a home-burnt ISO.
Post by Mark Jones
Mark Jones
KLUG Chairman
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Greg Grossmeier
2008-08-28 19:31:23 UTC
I'll see what I can do tomorrow. Today is a hectic day of packing up
before the final leg of my long journey home (in Minneapolis currently).


Post by Mark Jones
Can you still order the Hardy CDs? We will take as many as we can get. After various problems for new users with 7.04 and especially 7.10, we have decided to hand out only the LTS versions to NEW users. We will have the intermediate versions available for advanced users.
Mark Jones
Kalamazoo Linux User Group (KLUG) Chairman '08
----- Original Message ----
From: Greg Grossmeier <greg.grossmeier at gmail.com>
To: Ubuntu Michigan Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 10:39:39 PM
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-us-mi] Request for Disks
I don't have any Hardy CDs from Canonical; maybe someone else from the
list might. And it wouldn't make much sense for me to order the 300
pack of cds we get as a team for Hardy as Intrepid is closing in (with
shipping time factored in). I will of course put in the order for the
Intrepid CDs as soon as I can. If you would like any of those let me
know (and any other LUG members on this list).
Post by Mark Jones
I am the Chairman for the Kalamazoo Linux User's Group (KLUG). We are coming
up on our monthly assistance meeting. We have several requests for installs.
We like to send people home with an Ubuntu branded disk. Alas, our supplies
have run out.
Post by Mark Jones
Anyone know where we can get some more disks fairly quickly? I know we can
order some through Canonical but our order from May is still not filled.
Post by Mark Jones
Yes, we can and have downloaded the ISO's and burnt them to disk. We prefer
the branded disk. People react to them a lot better than a home-burnt ISO.
Post by Mark Jones
Mark Jones
KLUG Chairman
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Mark Jones
2008-08-28 04:12:06 UTC
(everybody knows we have a Michigan LoCo Google Calendar, right?) for the first Monday of the month, at 8PM.


Mark Jones
Kalamazoo Linux User Group (KLUG) Chairman '08
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2008-08-28 09:46:36 UTC
Post by Wolfger
(everybody knows we have a Michigan LoCo Google Calendar, right?) for the
first Monday of the month, at 8PM.
Well, I can't seem to figure out how to link directly to it, but if you
search Google Calendars for "Ubuntu Michigan LoCo", you will find it. It may
require you to create a Google Calendars account. Not sure.

The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
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T. Sandy Matthews
2008-08-28 10:31:31 UTC
Post by Mark Jones
(everybody knows we have a Michigan LoCo Google Calendar, right?) for the first Monday of the month, at 8PM.
Mark Jones
Kalamazoo Linux User Group (KLUG) Chairman '08
I found the calendar link on the Michigan Team Meetings Wiki page at

BTW I am new to the Michigan team and I am wondering if that meeting
scheduled for 6:30PM today at the Royal Oak Brewery is for real. I would
love to meet my fellow Ubuntu enthusiasts. Anybody out there planning on
attending this event? If so, how will I know who you all are? Is there a
special hand shake I need to know? (just kidding.... hehe)

- --
T. Sandy Matthews
ubuntujock at groko.gotdns.com
2008-08-28 11:49:55 UTC
On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 6:31 AM, T. Sandy Matthews <
Post by T. Sandy Matthews
I found the calendar link on the Michigan Team Meetings Wiki page at
BTW I am new to the Michigan team and I am wondering if that meeting
scheduled for 6:30PM today at the Royal Oak Brewery is for real.
It's for real. It's for another group (Michigan Developers) that was put
together (or at least heavily promoted) by one of our LoCo people, Rick
Harding. Not sure who all is going to be there, but I can't make it. Here's
the meeting notice:

Reminder to everyone that the last Thurs of the month is coming up.
The 3rd meeting will be at the Royal Oak brewery where we had it last
time. We've had two meetings of 6 so I'm shooting for 7 tomorrow.

Directions and details are up on the wiki: http://midevelopers.org/moin/

I'll be working on my new sendoff app and I'd love for some ideas/help
on testing it. It's very online and I'm not sure how best to test it.
I've also got some new VIM cooless for python and php to show off.

Jorge is coming and we plan on hacking with some mutt email configs, a
little bit off topic, but should be fun.

If you plan on coming please mention what type of stuff you plan on
bringing to work on and maybe we can find some people that can help.

Thanks and see you there.


The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
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