[ubuntu-us-mi] Flyer for Official Ubuntu Books
Greg Grossmeier
2009-08-18 20:32:47 UTC
Hey everyone.

Just a heads up that I will be receiving the two official Ubuntu books
(The Official Ubuntu Server Book and The Official Ubuntu Book) from
Pearson Press.

In addition to that, the contact at Pearson forwarded on this flyer about
the books which would be neat to drop off at your local Barnes & Noble
coffee shop :)


| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
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Jonathan Jesse
2009-08-21 01:35:22 UTC
the Barnes and Noble edition is special again, additional chapter about
Ubuntu Netbook Remix.
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Hey everyone.
Just a heads up that I will be receiving the two official Ubuntu books
(The Official Ubuntu Server Book and The Official Ubuntu Book) from
Pearson Press.
In addition to that, the contact at Pearson forwarded on this flyer about
the books which would be neat to drop off at your local Barnes & Noble
coffee shop :)
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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Greg Grossmeier
2009-08-21 13:46:44 UTC
<quoting name="Jonathan Jesse" date="2009-08-20" time="21:35:22 -0400">
Post by Jonathan Jesse
the Barnes and Noble edition is special again, additional chapter about
Ubuntu Netbook Remix.

I haven't had a chance to read/look through the books yet. They're just
sitting on my coffee table.


If you haven't seen, Jono also secured free Art of Community books for
approved LoCos[0]. So, I'll have three (3!) books to give out as prizes
at the next meet up.

When's the next meetup, you may ask? We're planning that right now. The
next event will be the Global Jam on the weekend of Sept. 2nd (probably
on Saturday, the 3rd).

We're looking for great places to meet (think: office with conference
table/wifi, cheap library group room, or maybe even a co-working place
that would be ok with us paying very very little or nothing for the day).
If you have any ideas, reply here or to me privately (on-list is better



[0] http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/08/21/free-art-of-community-book-for-approved-ubuntu-loco-teams/
Kevin Hawkins
2009-08-21 14:03:19 UTC
Dang, I'll be out of town.

In addition to the Ann Arbor District Library's meeting space, the Hatcher
Graduate Library at U-M also has very space that's available for free
under certain circumstances:


See the links on the left (in the blue column) for more information.

Post by Greg Grossmeier
When's the next meetup, you may ask? We're planning that right now. The
next event will be the Global Jam on the weekend of Sept. 2nd (probably
on Saturday, the 3rd).
We're looking for great places to meet (think: office with conference
table/wifi, cheap library group room, or maybe even a co-working place
that would be ok with us paying very very little or nothing for the day).
If you have any ideas, reply here or to me privately (on-list is better
Greg Grossmeier
2009-08-21 14:39:23 UTC
<quoting name="Kevin Hawkins" date="2009-08-21" time="10:03:19 -0400">
Post by Kevin Hawkins
Dang, I'll be out of town.
Will you still be out of town now that it is October 2nd/3rd instead of
Sept? :) (see other email)
Post by Kevin Hawkins
In addition to the Ann Arbor District Library's meeting space, the Hatcher
Graduate Library at U-M also has very space that's available for free
I actually wasn't aware that someone like me could get the Gallery room
in the Grad Library.

The only thing I have hesitation with at the Grad Library is wifi access
for everyone attending. But, it is definitely on my list of places to

Note: Jay Wren from SRT Solutions has offered space there. So we can
weigh the relative pros/cons and make a choice relatively quickly, I bet.

Thanks for the info, Kevin.

Kevin Hawkins
2009-08-21 14:48:29 UTC
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Will you still be out of town now that it is October 2nd/3rd instead of
Sept? :) (see other email)
I'll be in town then, though there's a chance I'll have guests that weekend.
Post by Greg Grossmeier
I actually wasn't aware that someone like me could get the Gallery room
in the Grad Library.
The only thing I have hesitation with at the Grad Library is wifi access
for everyone attending. But, it is definitely on my list of places to
I'm told that the MCommunity system will make granting of temporary
wireless access to guests easier than it has been in the past. I'm
organizing a conference in the Gallery in mid-November, and Gary Munce at
DSS tells me the new easy wireless access for attendees will be in place
by then.

Jonathan Billings
2009-08-22 01:42:52 UTC
Post by Kevin Hawkins
In addition to the Ann Arbor District Library's meeting space, the Hatcher
Graduate Library at U-M also has very space that's available for free
My wife works in Hatcher, and she said the gallery is currently closed
for construction, so it might not be available.

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

Greg Grossmeier
2009-08-21 14:34:49 UTC
<quoting name="Greg Grossmeier" date="2009-08-21" time="09:46:44 -0400">
Post by Greg Grossmeier
When's the next meetup, you may ask? We're planning that right now. The
next event will be the Global Jam on the weekend of Sept. 2nd (probably
on Saturday, the 3rd).
I meant to say October 2nd/3rd. My appologies.

Greg Grossmeier
2009-08-21 14:42:06 UTC
<quoting name="Greg Grossmeier" date="2009-08-21" time="10:34:49 -0400">
Post by Greg Grossmeier
<quoting name="Greg Grossmeier" date="2009-08-21" time="09:46:44 -0400">
Post by Greg Grossmeier
When's the next meetup, you may ask? We're planning that right now. The
next event will be the Global Jam on the weekend of Sept. 2nd (probably
on Saturday, the 3rd).
I meant to say October 2nd/3rd. My appologies.
And how about I just provide the link to wiki page about the event
instead of relaying information inaccurately?
