[ubuntu-us-mi] Global Bug Jam August 9th, 1-6pm
Craig Maloney
2008-08-04 11:23:14 UTC
Hello, fellow bug triagers,

The Global Bug Jam is still on for this weekend (August 9th from 1-6pm),
so here's what you'll need to know for this weekend:

* We'll be at the Clinton-Macomb Public Library Main Branch.
* The library closes at 6pm, so we'll likely be done and packed up
by 5:45pm. Please plan your rides accordingly.
* Food and beverages are permitted in the meeting room as far as I
can tell, but beverages must be covered. Also, we will be
providing our own clean-up, so now would not be the time to
bring in your roast wildebeast on a spit. :) Also, no alcohol is
permitted, so leave your grog casks at home.
* Wireless access is available at the library, but you will need a
library card in order to access it. One-day cards are available
at the front desk, so if you need one, please plan to get to the
library a little before 1pm.
* If you have an extra power strip, please bring it with you.
Laptop batteries may not last the entire time.
* I'll bring a 4 port hub and some network cables for those who
need wired connections. You'll still need a library card to get
outside the library's firewall.

Also, I'm not sure if anyone wants to meet-up after the event, but if
so, we could plan that in advance.

Hope to see you all this weekend!
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Craig Maloney
2008-08-04 16:03:23 UTC
Oh, almost forgot one more important thing you'll need for the Global Bug

* Please make sure you have a Launchpad account. You can register for this
at http://launchpad.net. You'll need it to make changes to the bugs that
you triage this weekend.

Also, please respond if you are coming or are planning to show up later
on. I'd like to have a rough count of everyone that's showing up.

Thanks! Hope to see you there!
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Adam Lincoln
2008-08-04 16:18:15 UTC
Post by Craig Maloney
Also, please respond if you are coming or are planning to show up later
on. I'd like to have a rough count of everyone that's showing up.
I'll be there - looking forward to it!

Robert James Clay
2008-08-05 00:24:22 UTC
Post by Craig Maloney
Also, please respond if you are coming or are planning to show up later
on. I'd like to have a rough count of everyone that's showing up.
Not sure how much I'll be able to do personally (my only laptop
now is a Powerbook, which is not yet dual booted...) but I do I plan
to be there...

Robert James Clay
jame at rocasa.org
Greg Grossmeier
2008-08-05 00:32:59 UTC
Post by Craig Maloney
Oh, almost forgot one more important thing you'll need for the Global Bug
* Please make sure you have a Launchpad account. You can register for this
at http://launchpad.net. You'll need it to make changes to the bugs that
you triage this weekend.
Also, please respond if you are coming or are planning to show up later
on. I'd like to have a rough count of everyone that's showing up.
Thanks! Hope to see you there!
I'll be there, virtually!

2008-08-04 22:29:25 UTC
Post by Craig Maloney
Also, I'm not sure if anyone wants to meet-up after the event, but if
so, we could plan that in advance.
Well, if you keep jamming until the library closes, I might be able to
come hang out after :-)
Depends on when I get back from Cedar Point. Man, other people's
timing sucks. I was looking forward to this. (but, you know, looking
forward to roller coasters even more)

The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.