[ubuntu-us-mi] Fwd: [GRLUG] How to Custom Image 100 plus laptops
Ben Rousch
2009-03-30 11:05:04 UTC
I've installed Ubuntu a lot, but always single computers from the
standard ISO. Does anyone have suggestions for doing something on this

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jim Becher <jbecher at yahoo.com>
Date: 2009/3/30
Subject: [GRLUG] How to Custom Image 100 plus laptops
To: grlug at grlug.org

Hello all, I have not posted for a long time.

I am looking for some suggestions and advise on how to deploy Ubuntu
on 100 laptops.

I have been working with http://forgr.wordpress.com/ (ellohay.org) and
plan on deploying Linux for some non technical users.? Ping me in this
sounds interesting, because come July we are looking to do an install
fest with near 100 laptops.

I understand imaging or ghosting machines, but I am more concerned on
how to customize / configure / then deploy.
What is the best method to install and remove applications, customize
the xwindow, save some config settings, put on logos - desktop images,
and basically lock down unneeded apps.? Then create a deployment or
install from that.

I have heard the term re-mastering or creating a distro but really
don't see how that can help.

Overall we are looking to have something similar to what Dell or HP
does when they deploy linux on a netbook.

As a group we would like to install the following applications - and
I'll take any suggestions on some preferred software

Web browser (firefox) - need to install flash, pdf, and quicktime player
Email client (?) - needs to be easy to use
Word processor (open office)
Spreadsheets (open office)
video player (vlc, mplayer?)
pdf reader -
Real audio client
Instant message client
(updates to only happen once a month)
wireless manager

Any help / suggestions would be great.? You can contact me directly if
you have any experience in this.? We are looking for anyone interested
in helping

Jim Becher
616 862 6579
Bradley McMahon
2009-03-30 12:10:47 UTC
I suggest you look up PXE booting.


first hit off google.
Post by Ben Rousch
I've installed Ubuntu a lot, but always single computers from the
standard ISO. Does anyone have suggestions for doing something on this
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jim Becher <jbecher at yahoo.com>
Date: 2009/3/30
Subject: [GRLUG] How to Custom Image 100 plus laptops
To: grlug at grlug.org
Hello all, I have not posted for a long time.
I am looking for some suggestions and advise on how to deploy Ubuntu
on 100 laptops.
I have been working with http://forgr.wordpress.com/ (ellohay.org) and
plan on deploying Linux for some non technical users. Ping me in this
sounds interesting, because come July we are looking to do an install
fest with near 100 laptops.
I understand imaging or ghosting machines, but I am more concerned on
how to customize / configure / then deploy.
What is the best method to install and remove applications, customize
the xwindow, save some config settings, put on logos - desktop images,
and basically lock down unneeded apps. Then create a deployment or
install from that.
I have heard the term re-mastering or creating a distro but really
don't see how that can help.
Overall we are looking to have something similar to what Dell or HP
does when they deploy linux on a netbook.
As a group we would like to install the following applications - and
I'll take any suggestions on some preferred software
Web browser (firefox) - need to install flash, pdf, and quicktime player
Email client (?) - needs to be easy to use
Word processor (open office)
Spreadsheets (open office)
video player (vlc, mplayer?)
pdf reader -
Real audio client
Instant message client
(updates to only happen once a month)
wireless manager
Any help / suggestions would be great. You can contact me directly if
you have any experience in this. We are looking for anyone interested
in helping
Jim Becher
616 862 6579
grlug mailing list
grlug at grlug.org
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Bradley McMahon
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Robert Citek
2009-03-30 12:43:45 UTC
What's the context: are these machines in a classroom or machines to
be given out? How fast is fast: 100 machines in a couple of days, a
couple or hours, or a couple of minutes? What are the capabilities of
the machines: USB2, GigE ethernet, easily removable drives, PXE?

Where I volunteer our method is to clone drives. That is we install,
customize, and then create an image of the drive. The image is
created in such a way that it can be cloned onto any type of drive
(SATA, IDE, USB, VM, etc.) and any size. It takes us under 10 minutes
to clone a drive. So 100 computers would take 1000 minutes or 17
hours. But since the process can be done in parallel, you could
create multiple copies of the image and clone many disks at once.

If you had to clone 100+ machines a day, every day, for days on end,
then I'd look into using Clonezilla over a fast network:


Good luck and be sure to let us know how things go.

- Robert
Post by Ben Rousch
I've installed Ubuntu a lot, but always single computers from the
standard ISO. Does anyone have suggestions for doing something on this