[ubuntu-us-mi] Well Done Dereck!
Greg Grossmeier
2008-07-10 16:58:26 UTC
Just making sure everyone sees this interview Daniel Holbach did with
Dereck (if you didn't see it, you should add planet.ubuntu.com to you
rss reader).

The link

Thanks for being a good representative Dereck, and let's get this GBJ
stuff rolling!


2008-07-10 21:13:29 UTC
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Just making sure everyone sees this interview Daniel Holbach did with
Dereck (if you didn't see it, you should add planet.ubuntu.com to you
rss reader).
The link
Thanks for being a good representative Dereck, and let's get this GBJ
stuff rolling!
Thanks Greg. Speaking of getting rolling, does the Michigan Loco have
anyone with graphic design skills that might want to help with the GBJ?

I would like to make a nice poster for advertising the GBJ in places
like computer stores and other places where interested folks might see,
but I lack the ability to do much more than a simple document with
pasted pictures from the internet.

The goal would be to make a professional poster that any loco can use
and modify with their event's details. If anyone is interested, please
contact me via list or otherwise. :)

Lets make the GBJ ROCK!

Greg Grossmeier
2008-07-10 21:29:25 UTC
Post by Dereck
I would like to make a nice poster for advertising the GBJ in places
like computer stores and other places where interested folks might see,
The goal would be to make a professional poster that any loco can use
and modify with their event's details. If anyone is interested, please
contact me via list or otherwise. :)
That is a great idea, and one that we should definitely poke the
Marketing Team[0] to help on. Do you want to email their list?[1]

Jorge: Would you be able to do anything like you did for the playbooks?


[0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam
[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-marketing
