[ubuntu-us-mi] Open Data Day - interest?
Greg Grossmeier
2010-11-29 15:59:19 UTC
Hi all,

There was a recent thread on my alma mater's mailing list about Open Data
Day. Specifically how it is soon (this Saturday) and there isn't a group
doing anything in A2 (to the best of our knowledge).


If anyone is interested in participating in Open Data Day in A2, let me
know, I can find us a place to hack for the day. (Or, if you have a place
that you think would be great, send me a note as well.)

Below is the email from si.all.open at umich.edu



Short notice, yes, but that doesn't mean we can't do anything here.

Also, I heard there was this dump of information last night that, while
not strictly speaking "open data," would be interesting to do some
analysis on. And you don't have to just look at attempted assassinations;
there are some interesting bits talking about Intellectual Property as
well: http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/5483/125/

If there is sufficient interest (ie: more than just Andrew and I) I will
find us a place to meet and hack on Saturday. While I'm not really a
developer I'm pretty darn good at finding developers places to do there
thing for an afternoon.

Please respond (either publicly or just to me) if you are interested in
attending. No commitment is really necessary, I just want an idea if I'll
be alone or not.


On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Andrew Gordon <asgor at umich.edu> wrote:


Short notice, sure, but might be worth attention even if you can't
participate directly.
Andrew Gordon
MSI Candidate, April 2011
School of Information
University of Michigan
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
2010-11-29 19:06:32 UTC
Cool. I'd like to participate. I do have some potential, unpredictable, conflicts looming. Things that I think should be "freeer": 1. Financial information: can I get that stock quote into a real portfolio management software package? 2. Electric vehicle data: electric motor info (cost, power and manufacturer . . . ). You should send this out to the following groups:discuss at ***@mdlug.org i3Detroit.org I know some interesting places to have meetings: i3Detroit.org and Canton Public Library.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Greg Grossmeier <greg at grossmeier.net>
To: a2geeks at googlegroups.com, ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: [ubuntu-us-mi] Open Data Day - interest?
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 10:59:19 -0500

Hi all,

There was a recent thread on my alma mater's mailing list about Open Data
Day. Specifically how it is soon (this Saturday) and there isn't a group
doing anything in A2 (to the best of our knowledge).


If anyone is interested in participating in Open Data Day in A2, let me
know, I can find us a place to hack for the day. (Or, if you have a place
that you think would be great, send me a note as well.)

Below is the email from si.all.open at umich.edu



Short notice, yes, but that doesn't mean we can't do anything here.

Also, I heard there was this dump of information last night that, while
not strictly speaking "open data," would be interesting to do some
analysis on. And you don't have to just look at attempted assassinations;
there are some interesting bits talking about Intellectual Property as
well: http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/5483/125/

If there is sufficient interest (ie: more than just Andrew and I) I will
find us a place to meet and hack on Saturday. While I'm not really a
developer I'm pretty darn good at finding developers places to do there
thing for an afternoon.

Please respond (either publicly or just to me) if you are interested in
attending. No commitment is really necessary, I just want an idea if I'll
be alone or not.


On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Andrew Gordon <asgor at umich.edu> wrote:


Short notice, sure, but might be worth attention even if you can't
participate directly.
Andrew Gordon
MSI Candidate, April 2011
School of Information
University of Michigan
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
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Greg Grossmeier
2010-11-29 19:24:51 UTC
Eli has graciously set us up with space at the Ann Arbor District
Library, but thank you Alexander.

Details: http://www.opendataday.org/wiki/City_Events#Ann_Arbor.2C_MI_USA
* Location: AADL in the Freespace Room on the 3rd floor.
* Time: 10am - 6pm
* Special notes: free wifi internet but, if possible, bring a powerstrip.

Spread the (last minute) word!


<quoting name="Alexander Honkala" date="2010-11-29" time="12:48:55 -0500">
If people are willing to do this in a basement, the All Hands Active
hackerspace may be available to host this.
Let me know if you'd like to schedule an event there.
This is exactly the kind of thing a2geeks wants to help facilitate. While
the board member's attention is mostly taken up with 501c3 applications and
the bigger events like Ignite, Mini Maker Faire, etc, it's these kind of
small hacker / dev day type events that can really drive the local tech
scene and that can emerge through the dedication of a couple individuals
taking some initiative.
I'd suggest making an event page on the a2geeks.org wiki so we can point
people to an information source that isn't in a listserv, that will evolve
as event planning evolves. We can definitely point to it with things like
the a2geeks twitter account. What other support would be helpful for these
kinds of events? Definitely a wiki page with information about potential
venues for this kind of thing would be helpful.
We have some limited financial resources to support these activities as
Any ideas anyone has about enabling dev days like this are definitely
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Hi all,
There was a recent thread on my alma mater's mailing list about Open Data
Day. Specifically how it is soon (this Saturday) and there isn't a group
doing anything in A2 (to the best of our knowledge).
If anyone is interested in participating in Open Data Day in A2, let me
know, I can find us a place to hack for the day. (Or, if you have a place
that you think would be great, send me a note as well.)
Below is the email from si.all.open at umich.edu
Short notice, yes, but that doesn't mean we can't do anything here.
Also, I heard there was this dump of information last night that, while
not strictly speaking "open data," would be interesting to do some
analysis on. And you don't have to just look at attempted assassinations;
there are some interesting bits talking about Intellectual Property as
well: http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/5483/125/
If there is sufficient interest (ie: more than just Andrew and I) I will
find us a place to meet and hack on Saturday. While I'm not really a
developer I'm pretty darn good at finding developers places to do there
thing for an afternoon.
Please respond (either publicly or just to me) if you are interested in
attending. No commitment is really necessary, I just want an idea if I'll
be alone or not.
Short notice, sure, but might be worth attention even if you can't
participate directly.
Andrew Gordon
MSI Candidate, April 2011
School of Information
University of Michigan
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
@ryanburns <http://twitter.com/ryanburns> @a2geeks<http://twitter.com/a2geeks>
@ignitea2 <http://twitter.com/ignitea2>
ryanburns.info a2geeks.org igniteannarbor.org<http://igniteannarbor.org>
| Greg Grossmeier |
| greg at grossmeier.net |
| http://grossmeier.net |