[ubuntu-us-mi] Not automounting and autodisplaying USB drives
Robert Citek
2010-04-23 17:43:32 UTC
I don't want drives (filesystems) to automount when I plug them in.
So on every new Ubuntu 10.04 system I type this in a terminal:

$ gconftool-2 --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount --type=bool false
$ gconftool-2 --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount_open
--type=bool false

Or I do the equivalent via gconf-editor. Since these modify Nautilus
preferences is there a way to do this via Nautilus, too? I didn't see
anything obvious.

- Robert
Jeff Hanson
2010-04-24 00:12:54 UTC
Or I do the equivalent via gconf-editor. ?Since these modify Nautilus
preferences is there a way to do this via Nautilus, too? ?I didn't see
anything obvious.
Edit > Preferences > Media > Never prompt or start programs upon media insertion

If you plug something in and don't see it in /media then it's not mounted.
Robert Citek
2010-04-24 15:26:23 UTC
Post by Jeff Hanson
Or I do the equivalent via gconf-editor. ?Since these modify Nautilus
preferences is there a way to do this via Nautilus, too? ?I didn't see
anything obvious.
Edit > Preferences > Media > Never prompt or start programs upon media insertion
Turns out that does not have an affect on my USB stick. However, if I
uncheck the neighboring "Browse media when inserted", that prevents
Nautilus from automatically opening the filesystem. It is equivalent
to this gconf setting:

$ gconftool-2 --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount --type=bool false
Post by Jeff Hanson
If you plug something in and don't see it in /media then it's not mounted.
Right. Unfortunately, Nautilus (or something) still wants to
automount it. So, for now, I'll still have to use the gconf command
or gconf editor to prevent the automounting.

- Robert
