[ubuntu-us-mi] Great Party, Everyone!
Greg Grossmeier
2009-04-27 16:07:30 UTC
Thanks to everyone who made the trip out to Ypsilanti for our Jaunty
Release Party!
Ann Marie Steichmann
2009-04-27 18:34:21 UTC
Here ya go!


Took a few other pictures of the group as a whole, but all those shots were
really blurry. Maybe I should have laid off the root beer.
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Thanks to everyone who made the trip out to Ypsilanti for our Jaunty
Release Party!
From my mental notes and counting on my fingers/toes/limbs/cheerios it
looks like we had around 30-35 people at the event. Rock On!
(with a few from the last Bug Jam)
If you have any other pictures you took, put them online and reply
here so we can all see them! If you want to share your release party
story blog it/write it up somewhere online and I can link to it from a
blog post on planet.ubuntu.com (don't worry, I won't if you don't want
me to).
I know for me it is always great to see new people come to these
events and meet others in the group. This release party was great for
that. Plenty of new people and tons of great conversations happening.
Everything from someon figuring out how to do a USB-drive install to
how to improve our LoCo meetings (and those were just the
conversations _I_ was a part of!).
Thanks again, everyone, for making this release party a grand time. I
think next time we'll have to rent out some more space and get more
hands on for the party. We will, of course, we scheduling some events
in the coming weeks that are more hands on. Things like "how to
triage bugs" or "how to package software" or "how to do X (let me know
what you want X to be)".
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