[ubuntu-us-mi] Global Bug Jam - Locations?
Craig Maloney
2008-07-07 12:29:20 UTC
Hey guys and gals,

Wondering if anyone had any additional thoughts on locations for the
Global Bug Jam, specifically if anyone here is in the Farmington area
and can contact the Farmington Hills library to see if they're available
that weekend.

Also, if you know of any locations that we could use for the Bug Jam,
let us know.

Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
2008-07-08 04:44:50 UTC
Post by Craig Maloney
Hey guys and gals,
Wondering if anyone had any additional thoughts on locations for the
Global Bug Jam, specifically if anyone here is in the Farmington area
and can contact the Farmington Hills library to see if they're available
that weekend.
Also, if you know of any locations that we could use for the Bug Jam,
let us know.
Hi all! I do believe this is my first post to ubuntu-us-mi at . My name
is Dereck Wonnacott in Sault Ste. Marie. Yes we have computers up here. :)

If there are any other Yoopers, I would love nothing more than to host
a Bug Jam around here. Do give me a mail if there is any interest.

Craig Maloney
2008-07-08 12:00:09 UTC
Post by Dereck
Hi all! I do believe this is my first post to ubuntu-us-mi at . My name
is Dereck Wonnacott in Sault Ste. Marie. Yes we have computers up here. :)
If there are any other Yoopers, I would love nothing more than to host
a Bug Jam around here. Do give me a mail if there is any interest.
Hi Dereck,

If you're willing to host a bug jam up in the UP, I don't see why you
couldn't. My only request is that you have someone who is familiar with
the bug triage process do a small presentation to help folks out. Other
than that, if you would like to spearhead a UP bug jam, by all means
please organize it.
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
2008-07-08 17:51:50 UTC
Hash: SHA1
Post by Craig Maloney
Post by Dereck
Hi all! I do believe this is my first post to ubuntu-us-mi at . My name
is Dereck Wonnacott in Sault Ste. Marie. Yes we have computers up here. :)
If there are any other Yoopers, I would love nothing more than to host
a Bug Jam around here. Do give me a mail if there is any interest.
Hi Dereck,
If you're willing to host a bug jam up in the UP, I don't see why you
couldn't. My only request is that you have someone who is familiar with
the bug triage process do a small presentation to help folks out. Other
than that, if you would like to spearhead a UP bug jam, by all means
please organize it.
I am very familiar with the triage process, so that isn't a problem.
Post by Craig Maloney
I'm in the Alpena area but you're not much closer than Detroit from here.
I would suggest starting a LUG but that would be hypocritical as I
haven't started one here yet. I haven't had time for the bug process
training yet so I can't help much. I do submit a lot of bugs however,
so I'm giving the bug jammers something to do :D
I am a member of the LUG here but we are out of session for the
summer, It's a university group. I want to make more of a public type
of group though; how would you go about getting the word out and
making such a group? The LUG members from the university are away, so
I'm pretty much starting from scratch.

One month to go! Global Bug Jam~

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Jeff Hanson
2008-07-08 18:42:51 UTC
Post by Dereck
I am a member of the LUG here but we are out of session for the
summer, It's a university group. I want to make more of a public type
of group though; how would you go about getting the word out and
making such a group? The LUG members from the university are away, so
I'm pretty much starting from scratch.
Obviously using a Ubuntu bug jam to start one isn't likely to work.
Maybe seek out other local groups and see if any have members who are
looking for a group closer to where they live. Search with Google for
"linux <town name>" and see what shows up. I did this and found one
starting in Sudbury, ON (http://slugonline.org). Too far for you but
there may be some users in-between. You could also target some
linux-related product enthusiasts like EeePC or Tivo with hacking

You could also advertise a "Canuck-Yooper Area" LUG (CYALUG?) at
Penguicon (http://penguicon.org) or Ontario Linux Fest
(http://onlinux.ca). I might be willing to drive up there at least
once and maybe bring some of those annoying Canadian geese to kick
back across the border.

But the bug triaging process is an online activity so not having an
active LUG doesn't really limit you except for the inability to pool
funds for pizza and beer.
Jeff Hanson
2008-07-08 15:41:45 UTC
Post by Dereck
Hi all! I do believe this is my first post to ubuntu-us-mi at . My name
is Dereck Wonnacott in Sault Ste. Marie. Yes we have computers up here. :)
If there are any other Yoopers, I would love nothing more than to host
a Bug Jam around here. Do give me a mail if there is any interest.
I'm in the Alpena area but you're not much closer than Detroit from here.

I would suggest starting a LUG but that would be hypocritical as I
haven't started one here yet. I haven't had time for the bug process
training yet so I can't help much. I do submit a lot of bugs however,
so I'm giving the bug jammers something to do :D
Greg Grossmeier
2008-07-10 17:32:26 UTC
Hey Craig,
Post by Craig Maloney
Wondering if anyone had any additional thoughts on locations for the
Global Bug Jam, specifically if anyone here is in the Farmington area
and can contact the Farmington Hills library to see if they're available
that weekend.
Also, if you know of any locations that we could use for the Bug Jam,
let us know.
Have you received any private replies from anyone? If not, we should
probably try to lock down a place pretty soon.

Don't we have a someone on this list who could be a contact for the
Farmington Hills Library?

If someone can be that contact that would be great! I've heard they
have good space available for such events and it looks like a fairly
centralized position for the majority of members in the SE corner of the

So, August 9th starting at 5/6pm so we can Jam for a couple-few hours
and then go out for dinner/drinks after? Someone give me their second
(or third) opinion on start time for a Saturday Bug Jam.

I just updated the wiki planning page (added introduction and renamed it
to the correct date). See it here:

Feel free to add information to that page, anyone. And feel free to
link to it when you are talking about the GBJ.

Thanks all,

Craig Maloney
2008-07-10 17:44:17 UTC
On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 10:32:26 -0700, Greg Grossmeier
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Hey Craig,
Have you received any private replies from anyone? If not, we should
probably try to lock down a place pretty soon.
What you've seen is what I've heard. So far the only place we have locked
down is the Clinton-Macomb Public Library.
Post by Greg Grossmeier
Don't we have a someone on this list who could be a contact for the
Farmington Hills Library?
Not sure. People of Farmington Hills: Now's your chance to speak up and
possibly have the Global Bug Jam in your back-yard, figuratively speaking.
Post by Greg Grossmeier
If someone can be that contact that would be great! I've heard they
have good space available for such events and it looks like a fairly
centralized position for the majority of members in the SE corner of the
It's a great location, but we need some more information.
Post by Greg Grossmeier
So, August 9th starting at 5/6pm so we can Jam for a couple-few hours
and then go out for dinner/drinks after? Someone give me their second
(or third) opinion on start time for a Saturday Bug Jam.
The CMPL location would be from 1-6 (that's the times I have available, as
they close early on that day.
Post by Greg Grossmeier
I just updated the wiki planning page (added introduction and renamed it
Thanks. :)
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Greg Grossmeier
2008-07-10 17:57:50 UTC
Post by Craig Maloney
Post by Greg Grossmeier
So, August 9th starting at 5/6pm so we can Jam for a couple-few hours
and then go out for dinner/drinks after? Someone give me their second
(or third) opinion on start time for a Saturday Bug Jam.
The CMPL location would be from 1-6 (that's the times I have available, as
they close early on that day.
That could probably be a good time slot also. If that seems like more
time than we need we could always throw in a key signing party at the end ;)