[ubuntu-us-mi] PenguiCon 6.0 - 2008
Trevor Jagoda
2007-10-07 19:16:59 UTC
Hello, all.

First off, if you don't know what PenguiCon is, here's a link:

PenguiCon is a Linux/FOSS convention, and it's a great place for us to
pull in more members for the LoCo. My prime question is this: what
would you/we all be willing to do for next year's PenguiCon?

I believe that a room party would be a great idea. I know of a few
LUG's that held room parties at PenguiCon 5.0, and they went over great.
I also think that we could provide a few informational Ubuntu (or maybe
even non-ubuntu related) panels for the con.

Would anyone be willing to host/participate in a panel? If yes, do you
have any ideas for said panel? Also, who would be willing to dish out a
small bit of money to go towards the room for the room party and the
supplies we'd need within? I believe the room rate per night is $89, so
if we book a room for Friday and Saturday nights the total room cost
would be $178. That will go down quick if people come forward to help
split up the price.

This is a great way to have a lot of fun, troop the LoCo's colors, and
throw a bit of Ubuntu education out there at the same time. Does
anybody else think this is a good idea? If there are enough people
willing to participate we can move this from unofficial mailing list
discussion and have a meeting over it. I'm willing to head up the
initiative and handle the communication between us and PenguiCon is this
gets the green light.

We've still got quite a while to plan, PenguiCon 6.0's dates are April
18-20, 2008.

Matt Aurand
2007-10-07 20:08:49 UTC
I'm going to be at Penguicon regardless because I'm actually going to be
part of the Ops staff this up coming year. But if I have time, I'd be
willing to give a hand with something.

- Matt
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Hello, all.
PenguiCon is a Linux/FOSS convention, and it's a great place for us to
pull in more members for the LoCo. My prime question is this: what
would you/we all be willing to do for next year's PenguiCon?
I believe that a room party would be a great idea. I know of a few
LUG's that held room parties at PenguiCon 5.0, and they went over great.
I also think that we could provide a few informational Ubuntu (or maybe
even non-ubuntu related) panels for the con.
Would anyone be willing to host/participate in a panel? If yes, do you
have any ideas for said panel? Also, who would be willing to dish out a
small bit of money to go towards the room for the room party and the
supplies we'd need within? I believe the room rate per night is $89, so
if we book a room for Friday and Saturday nights the total room cost
would be $178. That will go down quick if people come forward to help
split up the price.
This is a great way to have a lot of fun, troop the LoCo's colors, and
throw a bit of Ubuntu education out there at the same time. Does
anybody else think this is a good idea? If there are enough people
willing to participate we can move this from unofficial mailing list
discussion and have a meeting over it. I'm willing to head up the
initiative and handle the communication between us and PenguiCon is this
gets the green light.
We've still got quite a while to plan, PenguiCon 6.0's dates are April
18-20, 2008.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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Kevin B. O'Brien
2007-10-07 21:55:18 UTC
Post by Trevor Jagoda
PenguiCon is a Linux/FOSS convention, and it's a great place for us to
pull in more members for the LoCo. My prime question is this: what
would you/we all be willing to do for next year's PenguiCon?
I believe that a room party would be a great idea. I know of a few
LUG's that held room parties at PenguiCon 5.0, and they went over great.
I also think that we could provide a few informational Ubuntu (or maybe
even non-ubuntu related) panels for the con.
Would anyone be willing to host/participate in a panel? If yes, do you
have any ideas for said panel? Also, who would be willing to dish out a
small bit of money to go towards the room for the room party and the
supplies we'd need within? I believe the room rate per night is $89, so
if we book a room for Friday and Saturday nights the total room cost
would be $178. That will go down quick if people come forward to help
split up the price.
This is a great way to have a lot of fun, troop the LoCo's colors, and
throw a bit of Ubuntu education out there at the same time. Does
anybody else think this is a good idea? If there are enough people
willing to participate we can move this from unofficial mailing list
discussion and have a meeting over it. I'm willing to head up the
initiative and handle the communication between us and PenguiCon is this
gets the green light.
We've still got quite a while to plan, PenguiCon 6.0's dates are April
18-20, 2008.
I was at the last Penguicon, and I regret that there was no Ubuntu
presence there. Please add me to the list of people who want to make
this happen. I can provide some cash and any other help needed.

Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
zwilnik at zwilnik.com Linux User #333216
"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never
learned to walk." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Craig Maloney
2007-10-07 21:33:31 UTC
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Would anyone be willing to host/participate in a panel?
I'd be willing to participate in a panel, though I'd like to know what
the topic would be. :) I'm already presenting a CLI for beginners
presentation at Penguicon.
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Matt Michielsen
2007-10-07 22:01:28 UTC
I'll participate as well. I'll also most likely be driving from the other
side of the state if anyone is interested in carpooling.

Post by Craig Maloney
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Would anyone be willing to host/participate in a panel?
I'd be willing to participate in a panel, though I'd like to know what
the topic would be. :) I'm already presenting a CLI for beginners
presentation at Penguicon.
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big.
Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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2007-10-07 22:09:29 UTC
Post by Trevor Jagoda
My prime question is this: what
would you/we all be willing to do for next year's PenguiCon?
I believe that a room party would be a great idea.
Would anyone be willing to host/participate in a panel?
A room party would be fantastic. If so desired, I could provide about
5 gallons of homebrewed beer to help the cause. ;-)
I'd be willing to participate in a panel, depending on the panel.
Post by Trevor Jagoda
Also, who would be willing to dish out a
small bit of money to go towards the room for the room party and the
supplies we'd need within? I believe the room rate per night is $89, so
if we book a room for Friday and Saturday nights the total room cost
would be $178. That will go down quick if people come forward to help
split up the price.
Most room parties are one-night affairs, I believe. It would bring the
cost down in a big hurry if we only had the room for one night instead
of two. I'd be willing to chip in some towards the cost.
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