[ubuntu-us-mi] NBR in a VM? (was:: install hangs Ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix)
Robert Citek
2009-09-04 18:07:05 UTC
Along those lines, has anyone installed the NBR in a virtual machine,
e.g. VirtualBox?

I'm curious to know if anyone knows how to convert the img file
directly into a .vdi or .vmdk file.

- Robert
I've already tried three different USB stick. ?I'm beginning to think
the issue is with the SD card. ?What stinks is that it takes so dang
long to go through each test cycle.
Robert Citek
2009-09-04 21:48:34 UTC
Was able to turn the NBR image into a virtual image using this VBox command:

$ VBoxManage convertfromraw -format VDI \
ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img \

I then created a VBox VM with a blank 3 GB hard drive, attached the
NBR image, and started it up. Worked great. Interesting feature is
that when I did the "Check disc for defects" I again got the message
about one file has an error. See attached screenshot.

Next step is to upgrade the install, convert the virtual disk to a raw
image, clone the image on the SD card, and boot up the eeePC using the
SD card.

- Robert
Post by Robert Citek
Along those lines, has anyone installed the NBR in a virtual machine,
e.g. VirtualBox?
I'm curious to know if anyone knows how to convert the img file
directly into a .vdi or .vmdk file.
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Robert Citek
2009-09-04 23:06:47 UTC
That worked well. Did some customizations and installed some extra
software using Synaptic.

Converted the VDI to RAW:

$ VBoxManage clonehd \
ubuntu-9.04-NBR-install-i386.vdi \
ubuntu-9.04-NBR-install-i386.img -format RAW

Cloned to SD card:

$ sudo dd if=ubuntu-9.04-NBR-install-i386.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M

Inserted SD card into eeePC and booted up. Runs nicely. Will test it
over the next few days.

- Robert
Post by Robert Citek
Next step is to upgrade the install, convert the virtual disk to a raw
image, clone the image on the SD card, and boot up the eeePC using the
SD card.