[ubuntu-us-mi] Thoughts about moving the meeting to a different day / time
Craig Maloney
2011-12-29 19:04:27 UTC
Hello, everyone,

At our last IRC meeting (held on the first Sunday of every month around
9pm) we discussed the possibility of moving the meeting to a different
day / time. The thought was that 9pm on a Sunday wasn't conducive to
folks being able to participate.

I'd like to open up the converstation to those who aren't currently
participating in the IRC meetings:

a) Would you participate if the meeting were changed to a different day
/ time?

b) Would you be able to connect to an IRC meeting during weekdays,
between 9am-5pm?

Please keep in mind that this is something that is being considered.
While I understand that we all have our own schedules and what-not,
ideally we'd like a time that the most number of folks who are active
can consistently make.

Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo
2011-12-29 22:53:38 UTC
I don't have internet access at work, so that'd be a no on 9-5 M-F. I've
been busy recently; that's why I haven't been in IRC.

What about Thursday nights at 7 or something? I have a meeting the second
Tuesday of each month, so that's not going to work for me. I know CHC
meets on Wednesday nights. Thursday seems like a logical solution.

Post by Craig Maloney
Hello, everyone,
At our last IRC meeting (held on the first Sunday of every month around
9pm) we discussed the possibility of moving the meeting to a different day
/ time. The thought was that 9pm on a Sunday wasn't conducive to folks
being able to participate.
I'd like to open up the converstation to those who aren't currently
a) Would you participate if the meeting were changed to a different day /
b) Would you be able to connect to an IRC meeting during weekdays, between
Please keep in mind that this is something that is being considered. While
I understand that we all have our own schedules and what-not, ideally we'd
like a time that the most number of folks who are active can consistently
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo
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Kevin O'Brien
2011-12-30 16:12:32 UTC
Actually, Sundays are best for me.
Post by Craig Maloney
Hello, everyone,
At our last IRC meeting (held on the first Sunday of every month around
9pm) we discussed the possibility of moving the meeting to a different day
/ time. The thought was that 9pm on a Sunday wasn't conducive to folks
being able to participate.
I'd like to open up the converstation to those who aren't currently
a) Would you participate if the meeting were changed to a different day /
b) Would you be able to connect to an IRC meeting during weekdays, between
Please keep in mind that this is something that is being considered. While
I understand that we all have our own schedules and what-not, ideally we'd
like a time that the most number of folks who are active can consistently
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/**
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