[ubuntu-us-mi] Penguicon Participation
Craig Maloney
2010-01-04 03:24:05 UTC
Evening, everyone!

At our last IRC meeting (which as a few minutes ago) and the topic of
what to do as a loco at Penguicon was broached. Some of the ideas that
were put forth were:

* Ubuntu Bug Triage / Jam (this has been done in the past with great
* Ubuntu Packaging Jam
* Room Party of some form (could include some of the above)
* Also could include an "ask the expert" portion.

These are just a sample of the proposed ideas. I'm sure there are more
out there that haven't been covered. What would you like to see the loco
do at Penguicon?
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Kevin B. O'Brien
2010-01-04 18:01:16 UTC
Post by Craig Maloney
Evening, everyone!
At our last IRC meeting (which as a few minutes ago) and the topic of
what to do as a loco at Penguicon was broached. Some of the ideas that
* Ubuntu Bug Triage / Jam (this has been done in the past with great
* Ubuntu Packaging Jam
* Room Party of some form (could include some of the above)
* Also could include an "ask the expert" portion.
These are just a sample of the proposed ideas. I'm sure there are more
out there that haven't been covered. What would you like to see the loco
do at Penguicon
Rats, I forgot to update my calendar for 2010 dates and missed the
discussion. What I am thinking about (as I always do) is the newcomers.
I think there are people at Penguicon who are mostly SF fans and who may
not be using Linux yet. Does anyone else share this perception? If so,
maybe we could do some outreach. Ubuntu Q&A, help with using Ubuntu for
newcomers, stuff like that.

Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
nadreck at palain.com Linux User #333216

"Banners suck. Free banners suck for free." -- Linda Cox, J.A.M.G.
Greg Grossmeier
2010-01-04 18:16:00 UTC
<quoting name="Kevin B. O'Brien" date="2010-01-04" time="13:01:16 -0500">
Post by Kevin B. O'Brien
Post by Craig Maloney
Evening, everyone!
At our last IRC meeting (which as a few minutes ago) and the topic of
what to do as a loco at Penguicon was broached. Some of the ideas that
* Ubuntu Bug Triage / Jam (this has been done in the past with great
* Ubuntu Packaging Jam
* Room Party of some form (could include some of the above)
* Also could include an "ask the expert" portion.
Rats, I forgot to update my calendar for 2010 dates and missed the
discussion. What I am thinking about (as I always do) is the newcomers.
I think there are people at Penguicon who are mostly SF fans and who may
not be using Linux yet. Does anyone else share this perception? If so,
maybe we could do some outreach. Ubuntu Q&A, help with using Ubuntu for
newcomers, stuff like that.
+1, I like that idea.
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
Bradley McMahon
2010-01-04 18:24:15 UTC
I am trying to promote having more simple but interesting class for people
who are less technically skilled. Many of the classes last of years before
sound uninteresting or intimidating, regardless of content. I think if we
want to pull new people's interest we'll have to have classes that address
means of using linux to enhance your everyday life and are titled as such.
Examples follow.

Share and backup pictures with Gallery,
Serve music and videos across the net and in your home,
build a firewall from scratch,
Kitchen tech: recipe computer and database,
Build your own website,
Life without Anti-virius, bloat-ware, expensive software, keeping up with
the Jones',... in other words intro to the Linux Desktop.
Windows first aid with Linux.
Learn networks with Linux. <- more intermediate
Cheaper phone bills with Asterisk

Post by Kevin B. O'Brien
Post by Craig Maloney
Evening, everyone!
At our last IRC meeting (which as a few minutes ago) and the topic of
what to do as a loco at Penguicon was broached. Some of the ideas that
* Ubuntu Bug Triage / Jam (this has been done in the past with great
* Ubuntu Packaging Jam
* Room Party of some form (could include some of the above)
* Also could include an "ask the expert" portion.
These are just a sample of the proposed ideas. I'm sure there are more
out there that haven't been covered. What would you like to see the loco
do at Penguicon
Rats, I forgot to update my calendar for 2010 dates and missed the
discussion. What I am thinking about (as I always do) is the newcomers.
I think there are people at Penguicon who are mostly SF fans and who may
not be using Linux yet. Does anyone else share this perception? If so,
maybe we could do some outreach. Ubuntu Q&A, help with using Ubuntu for
newcomers, stuff like that.
Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
nadreck at palain.com Linux User #333216
"Banners suck. Free banners suck for free." -- Linda Cox, J.A.M.G.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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Greg Grossmeier
2010-01-04 18:39:08 UTC
<quoting name="Bradley McMahon" date="2010-01-04" time="13:24:15 -0500">
Post by Bradley McMahon
I am trying to promote having more simple but interesting class for people
who are less technically skilled.
That sentence and the topics below don't work together.
Post by Bradley McMahon
build a firewall from scratch,
Build your own website,
(depends on what you mean by "build" and "website")
Post by Bradley McMahon
Learn networks with Linux. <- more intermediate
Cheaper phone bills with Asterisk
But I do like the idea you are proposing.
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
2010-01-04 18:45:46 UTC
I like the idea of having programming for various skill levels and indicating in the title or description which level(s) might be interested
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Grossmeier <greg at grossmeier.net>
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 13:39:08
To: Ubuntu Michigan Local Community Team<ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-us-mi] Penguicon Participation

<quoting name="Bradley McMahon" date="2010-01-04" time="13:24:15 -0500">
Post by Bradley McMahon
I am trying to promote having more simple but interesting class for people
who are less technically skilled.
That sentence and the topics below don't work together.
Post by Bradley McMahon
build a firewall from scratch,
Build your own website,
(depends on what you mean by "build" and "website")
Post by Bradley McMahon
Learn networks with Linux. <- more intermediate
Cheaper phone bills with Asterisk
But I do like the idea you are proposing.
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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Rich Elswick
2010-01-04 23:09:33 UTC
Things I would like to see:

1. A better description found somewhere before the class kicks off - such as
more details so I can decide a bit more in advance if I want to attend
2. It was mentioned to qualify the level of user for a class -> how about
instead of someone that presents it defining the level, have the LoCo
'decide' (not sure how you would want to do that) on what level is
appropriate as well in more detail along with #1 above - before hand of
course. I hate waiting until the day of or the day before to try to define
what sessions I want to attend.
3. Video stream from Linux to the PS3. I know a few locals have done this
before, but wouldn't it be cool to be able to bring your Linux machine, set
it up on site and stream the video to a PS3 on site? I'll bring mine if
4. Perhaps ripping DVDs to be able to stream them for #3 above. I would
love to eliminate my stand of DVDs that the kids seem to love to scratch up
all the time!

Someone mentioned podcasting... well... you could always get an audio system
setup to stream live from the show (for internal of course and perhaps
external) really easily. Set it up in the computer lounge and then just
have various LoCo members just stream it out from there. Nothing special,
just do it. Of course if various people wanted to setup and do different
things with it you could easily enough. I have the audio equipment setup
and ready to go for 2-3 mics. I could easily get a workstation/server setup
to stream it out as well if there are some more folks that thinks it would
be fun to do.

Post by jameshice
I like the idea of having programming for various skill levels and
indicating in the title or description which level(s) might be interested
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Grossmeier <greg at grossmeier.net>
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 13:39:08
To: Ubuntu Michigan Local Community Team<ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-us-mi] Penguicon Participation
<quoting name="Bradley McMahon" date="2010-01-04" time="13:24:15 -0500">
Post by Bradley McMahon
I am trying to promote having more simple but interesting class for
Post by Bradley McMahon
who are less technically skilled.
That sentence and the topics below don't work together.
Post by Bradley McMahon
build a firewall from scratch,
Build your own website,
(depends on what you mean by "build" and "website")
Post by Bradley McMahon
Learn networks with Linux. <- more intermediate
Cheaper phone bills with Asterisk
But I do like the idea you are proposing.
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Rich Elswick
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