[ubuntu-us-mi] Bug when typing into fields in Ubuntu
Matt Arnold
2010-11-11 17:06:45 UTC
This week I went back to using Ubuntu after leaving it for a couple of
years. I'll start typing into the search box in Firefox, or the
Subject line in Gmail. When I get a few characters in, a blue
background flickers as if I had pressed "select all" and "delete", and
instantly my input will be erased and I'll find myself typing the tail
of my text into an otherwise empty field. I know it's not a broken
keyboard, because I dual boot and this never happens under Windows XP.
Has this happened to any of you? Did you find a fix?

2010-11-11 18:40:19 UTC
My fix is to disable my touchpad. Of course, I have the same problem
under Windows or Linux, so maybe your problem isn't quite the same.
Post by Matt Arnold
This week I went back to using Ubuntu after leaving it for a couple of
years. I'll start typing into the search box in Firefox, or the
Subject line in Gmail. When I get a few characters in, a blue
background flickers as if I had pressed "select all" and "delete", and
instantly my input will be erased and I'll find myself typing the tail
of my text into an otherwise empty field. I know it's not a broken
keyboard, because I dual boot and this never happens under Windows XP.
Has this happened to any of you? Did you find a fix?
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The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
Robert Citek
2010-11-11 18:40:44 UTC
I cannot say I have seen this issue, except when using a touchpad on
laptops/netbooks. The solution that has worked for me was to disable
the mouse while typing:

System > Mouse > Touchpad > Disable touchpad while typing

If this issue is not touchpad related, can you give us more details?
For example, what type of system? What version of Ubuntu? What
version of Firefox?

Good luck and let us know what you discover.

- Robert
Post by Matt Arnold
This week I went back to using Ubuntu after leaving it for a couple of
years. I'll start typing into the search box in Firefox, or the
Subject line in Gmail. When I get a few characters in, a blue
background flickers as if I had pressed "select all" and "delete", and
instantly my input will be erased and I'll find myself typing the tail
of my text into an otherwise empty field. I know it's not a broken
keyboard, because I dual boot and this never happens under Windows XP.
Has this happened to any of you? Did you find a fix?
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
Matt Arnold
2010-11-11 19:31:14 UTC
That's it. The touchpad has been broken for as long as I've owned this
laptop. The left button intermittently presses itself. I always
disable the touchpad under Windows XP, but forgot to do so under
Linux! Thanks for showing this panel to me.

Interestingly, "Disable touchpad while typing" was already checked.
Now I have also un-checked "Enable mouse-clicks with touchpad". What a
great feature! Unfortunately my touchpad is still enabled when I'm not
typing. I hope it won't create any more issues.

Thanks, folks.


P.S. I shouldn't have said "bug", I should have said "issue" like you did.
Post by Robert Citek
I cannot say I have seen this issue, except when using a touchpad on
laptops/netbooks. ?The solution that has worked for me was to disable
System > Mouse > Touchpad > Disable touchpad while typing
If this issue is not touchpad related, can you give us more details?
For example, what type of system? ?What version of Ubuntu? ?What
version of Firefox?
Good luck and let us know what you discover.
- Robert
Post by Matt Arnold
This week I went back to using Ubuntu after leaving it for a couple of
years. I'll start typing into the search box in Firefox, or the
Subject line in Gmail. When I get a few characters in, a blue
background flickers as if I had pressed "select all" and "delete", and
instantly my input will be erased and I'll find myself typing the tail
of my text into an otherwise empty field. I know it's not a broken
keyboard, because I dual boot and this never happens under Windows XP.
Has this happened to any of you? Did you find a fix?
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-mi
Robert Citek
2010-11-11 20:42:36 UTC
Post by Matt Arnold
That's it. The touchpad has been broken for as long as I've owned this
laptop. The left button intermittently presses itself. I always
disable the touchpad under Windows XP, but forgot to do so under
Linux! Thanks for showing this panel to me.
Glad to hear that's all it was. Or hope that's all it was and nothing
more serious.
Post by Matt Arnold
Interestingly, "Disable touchpad while typing" was already checked.
Now I have also un-checked "Enable mouse-clicks with touchpad". What a
great feature! Unfortunately my touchpad is still enabled when I'm not
typing. I hope it won't create any more issues.
Would be nice if instead of on/off it was scaled with a delay. For
example, the touchpad should remain disabled until X seconds after
the last key press, where X is some scalable variable, perhaps between
0.05 and 2 seconds.

I can dream, can't I? Dream of the day when someone implements it.
Dream of the day when I have enough time to do it myself.
Post by Matt Arnold
P.S. I shouldn't have said "bug", I should have said "issue" like you did.
No worries. "bug", "issue", "feature", "case", etc. In the end, it's
all the same. There's either a fix or a workaround, or resignation
... with a cup of hot coffee.

- Robert
