[ubuntu-us-mi] ubuntu 11.10 Release Party (West Side)
Ben Rousch
2011-09-28 17:54:19 UTC
For those of us on the more awesome side of the state, I think we'll
roll this into our usual GRLUG Wednesday Social gathering. It'll be a
day before the actual release, Wednesday, Oct 12. More details will be
available as I think of them!
Hello, all,
It's near that time again, the release of a new version of Ubuntu 11.10
(codenamed Oneiric Ocelot) releases on October 13th, and it's time to
celebrate another successful and productive cycle.
We're looking for suggestions for locations for the release party.
Previously we've had release parties at the Liberty Street Brewing Company
in Plymouth, MI, and unless someone has a suggestion for a different
location, I'm perfectly amenable to having the release party there again.
Other locations I've thought of include the Royal Oak Brewery (though I'm
not sure how they'd handle a large party).
Any thoughts? Please post them to the list.
?Craig Maloney ?(craig at decafbad.net) ? ? ? ?http://decafbad.net
? ?"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
? ? wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo
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? ?brousch at gmail.com
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