[ubuntu-us-mi] tapptaptap is this thing on? (Greg Grossmeier)
Amy Hussey
2008-01-03 16:32:41 UTC
On 1/3/08, ubuntu-us-mi-request at lists.ubuntu.com <
ubuntu-us-mi-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 11:34:31 -0500
From: "Greg Grossmeier" <greg.grossmeier at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-us-mi] taptaptaptap is this thing on?
To: "Ubuntu Michigan Local Community Team"
<ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com>
<e7de786c0801020834i30ddcf56j933dd4abc5a81111 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Welcome Allan, make yourself at home.
Hi, list.
allan here - no real stranger to Linux but have been using Ubuntu as my
primary OS for about eight months. Still have a coughVistacough box
that gets fired up infrequently, mainly when someone asks for support.
March will bring the 12th anniversary of my 40th birthday. I live in
Holt, which butts up against south Lansing. My nickname is wizard, or
wiz for short.
I'm a professional geek, doing ADP R&D for the federal gummint in Battle
Creek. I like rainy days, long walks on the beach and moonlit evenings.
Well, I thought it was funny anyway.
Skillwise I'm probably in the middle of the pack. Looking forward to
both giving and getting support.
cheers -


I'm a newbie as well (to this group, anyway). I didn't know, until a couple
months ago, that there was an Ubuntu group for people in Michigan. It's
quite exciting that there are others out there!

I'm actually a mechanical engineer (windows machines @ work), but I enjoy
using F/OSS in my spare time. I'm about 95% (K)Ubuntu. The other 5% is
gaming related and MS Office. Since I have a dual-boot with WinXP, it's not
a problem.

I live in Saginaw, and if you couldn't tell from my background, I work at
Delphi (like, the largest employer here...)

Skillwise, I'm not guru, but I'm not a complete noob either. I've working
with Ubuntu, having an installed dual-boot system since 2005. I really
didn't USE it much until Dapper came out. Since then, I've been almost
completely Ubuntu. I don't program (unless you count Matlab...), but I
enjoy trying to help people with their Linux problems, even if it's just
pointing them toward the forums or some bit of documentation.

Cheers! I hope to see you around the irc room.

FUD: Beware of the penguin.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati. (When all else fails, play dead.) ~~Possum
Lodge Motto
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