[ubuntu-us-mi] [Discuss] Reminder: 2nd MiDevelopers meeting at Royal Oak Brewery Thur s. 31st
2008-07-28 19:27:32 UTC
Love to see ya but, again, this is the same night as the MDLUG officer's meeting.

-- Rick Harding <rharding at mitechie.com> wrote:
It's that time of the month. MiDevelopers meeting number 2. The plan is
to meet at the Royal Oak Brewery. Map link at the bottom of the email.
They have wireless and food so we should be good there.

As usual the start time will be 6:30pm on Thurs the 31st. I don't have
reservations (they require I specify exactly how many people will be
there) so if you beat me there we're just looking for table space for
6-12ish people.

Project wise, I'll be working on my Django app and I know Craig has a
gradebook application he's working on. If Mark comes maybe he can sucker
you into some help on Turbogears 2 or bring your own code you want to
toy with and show off.

The wiki with this info and more is at http://www.midevelopers.org.
Please forward this on to anyone else you think might be interested in

Hopefully see you all there!

Map for Royal Oak Brewery -

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