[ubuntu-us-mi] RELEASE PARTY - November 1st - Ypsilanti
Greg Grossmeier
2008-10-07 01:16:14 UTC
Hello Everyone,

As you all know the next release of Ubuntu, Intrepid Ibex, is coming out
at the end of this month. In recognition of all the great work that
went in to making this release we are going to have a party!

What better way to thank and celebrate than heading to the local pub and
toasting a few beers (or non-alcoholic drink) to everyone who made it

The party starts at 7pm on Saturday Nov. 1st and will be at Corner
Brewery in Ypsilanti.

As is tradition I will be bringing a bunch of nice metal Ubuntu case
badge stickers for everyone. You are also welcome to bring a copy or
two of Intrepid for those who might want a physical copy as I won't be
receiving our shipment of officially branded cds by the 1st.

Bring your significant other, invite your friends, and tell your neighbors.

Who: Ubuntu Michigan Local Community Team
What: Intrepid Ibex Release Party!
When: Saturday November 1st at 7pm
Where: Corner Brewery in Ypsilanti [1]
Why: Because we're gonna celebrate!

See you there!


[1] http://neotech.net/ABC/index.php?site=cornerbrewery
