[ubuntu-us-mi] new michigan developers group forming: midevelopers.org
Rick Harding
2008-06-15 13:18:09 UTC
Ever since I've started coming to meetings like MUG, MichiPUG, and the
SRT Solutions lightning talks, I've found out there's a whole developer
community out there. The thing is we get together, listen to a talk,
drink some beer, but we don't actually do much actual code work. I've
been pretty "self taught" when it comes to my developer skills and I'd
like to see how others do things, share what I know, and grow in the
process. Toward this end I want to start getting guys/gals together on a
monthly basis. The groups is called MiDevelopers.org. The meeting day
will be the last Thurs of every month. The first meeting of
MiDevelopers.org is going to take place on June 26th at the Hamlin Pub
on Sashabaw Rd just off of I-75.

The idea will be to try to rotate the venue each month so we can get
developers from the east side, ann arbor area, detroit area, etc. The
diversity will be good for the group.

The general idea is to follow the example of the Chicago Programming
Tonight meeting.

You can bring your own project to work on, get advice about, or work on
some shared projects. The first public projects for the first meeting
will be to start up a web presence. We'll discuss what would work best
for the group including a wiki, possible blog planet, and other content.

I'd also like to get ideas for potential locations for future meetings.
Any location with wireless internet access should be considered a
potential location. If there's a place by you, let me know and we can
work on it.

For now, I've started a Google Group/mailing list to begin discussions
on who is interested, what types of projects/code you might be
interested in, and as a contact point for future mailings about upcoming
meetings and get togethers.


Please feel free to forward this to any developers/groups that might be

Rick Harding
