[ubuntu-us-mi] Samba
2008-08-01 16:51:41 UTC
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Ben Rousch
2008-08-01 17:21:17 UTC
To install Samba: sudo apt-get install samba

You can then start by checking out

If you're a hands-on, learn-as-you-go kind of guy, open /etc/samba/smb.conf
in your favorite text editor. There are a lot of comments in there to help
you along.
Hello Everybody,
I have an old box that I just finished installing Ubuntu 8.04 on, and I was
thinking of setting the box up as a file server (samba maybe?). This is the
first time that I'll be using Ubuntu as a server and was wondering if
somebody could point me in the right direction.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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Jeremy Leonard
2008-08-26 02:04:10 UTC
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