[ubuntu-us-mi] West Michigan Ubuntu 10.10 Release Party Recap
Ben Rousch
2010-10-11 18:25:25 UTC
I'd like to thank all of the geeks and guests who made it out to The
Warehouse for last night's West Michigan Ubuntu 10.10 Release Party.
I'd especially like to thank Casey DuBois and his wife for hosting the
party at the most marvelous venue in the area, their garage. I had a
great time talking with everybody and trying various beers, and the
food cooked by Casey and brought by attendees was a welcome surprise.

For those of you who couldn't make it, we had a pretty good turnout of
about 15 people. Most attendees brought a laptop and gave Ubuntu
Desktop 10.10 a go in a virtual machine, or netbooks to install Ubuntu
Netbook directly onto. There weren't a lot of problems with the
installs, other than the usual missing wireless drivers. Hopefully the
Broadcom driver release will clear up some of those problems in the
future. The wifi and Internet held up well under the load. I also did
a short demo of the Netbook version on Casey's 12ft projector (where
does he get those wonderful toys?), but most of the time was spent
talking and socializing around the table as people installed.

I took a few pictures and added them to the Ubuntu Michigan LoCo
Flickr stream. If anyone else has photos of the event they'd like to
add to the stream, send them to me and I'll get them up.

I'm looking forward to more of these get-togethers, and I'd like to
see them continue to grow. So if you have any suggestions for next
time, please comment here or send a private email to me. Thanks again!

P.S.: I spread one piece of information last night that I learned
today is incorrect. I said that you cannot upgrade your current
installation from a CD or USB installer. However, it turns out that
you can upgrade if you use the Alternate CD. If anyone tries this and
meets success or failure, please let me know.
? Ben Rousch
? brousch at gmail.com
? http://ishmilok.blogspot.com/
2010-10-11 19:51:36 UTC
Cool location. The east siders had a meet-up too. A micro-brewery.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Ben Rousch <brousch at gmail.com>
To: Ubuntu Michigan LoCo <ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: [ubuntu-us-mi] West Michigan Ubuntu 10.10 Release Party Recap
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 14:25:25 -0400

I'd like to thank all of the geeks and guests who made it out to The
Warehouse for last night's West Michigan Ubuntu 10.10 Release Party.
I'd especially like to thank Casey DuBois and his wife for hosting the
party at the most marvelous venue in the area, their garage. I had a
great time talking with everybody and trying various beers, and the
food cooked by Casey and brought by attendees was a welcome surprise.

For those of you who couldn't make it, we had a pretty good turnout of
about 15 people. Most attendees brought a laptop and gave Ubuntu
Desktop 10.10 a go in a virtual machine, or netbooks to install Ubuntu
Netbook directly onto. There weren't a lot of problems with the
installs, other than the usual missing wireless drivers. Hopefully the
Broadcom driver release will clear up some of those problems in the
future. The wifi and Internet held up well under the load. I also did
a short demo of the Netbook version on Casey's 12ft projector (where
does he get those wonderful toys?), but most of the time was spent
talking and socializing around the table as people installed.

I took a few pictures and added them to the Ubuntu Michigan LoCo
Flickr stream. If anyone else has photos of the event they'd like to
add to the stream, send them to me and I'll get them up.

I'm looking forward to more of these get-togethers, and I'd like to
see them continue to grow. So if you have any suggestions for next
time, please comment here or send a private email to me. Thanks again!

P.S.: I spread one piece of information last night that I learned
today is incorrect. I said that you cannot upgrade your current
installation from a CD or USB installer. However, it turns out that
you can upgrade if you use the Alternate CD. If anyone tries this and
meets success or failure, please let me know.
&#65533; Ben Rousch
&#65533; brousch at gmail.com
&#65533; http://ishmilok.blogspot.com/
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