[ubuntu-us-mi] Request for Help - Team Reports
Greg Grossmeier
2011-05-25 00:25:00 UTC
Request For Help

A part of the re-approval process is us documenting our work in Team
Reports. These are a monthly report that outlines our activity (meetings,
jams, any mentionable contribution by LoCo members to any part of Ubuntu,
etc). So, I ask for your help to write these Team Reports.

How To Help

I have created a location for these to live on the Ubuntu wiki at

Some things to notice about that page:
1. The latest current report is <<include>>'d in the page, so it shows
2. Past reports are automatically listed at the bottom thanks to a
MoinMoin macro

I did the first one, for April 2011, which is available here:

If you create a new page with the same format, say,
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichiganTeam/TeamReports/2011/05, you will see a
Template option on the left hand side titled
"MichiganTeam/TeamReportsTemplate". If you click on that it will create
the new page with the skeleton of a new report.

Now fill in what we, the Michigan LoCo, did during that month in a simple
bulleted list. You don't need to tell the whole story, but linking to
blog posts/photos is nice and encouraged. :)


If you are unsure if someting should count for the report, feel free to
ask in #ubuntu-us-mi or email me directly at the email address I used to
send this message. And of course, any other questions are welcome!

Awesome and keep rocking!

| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |