[ubuntu-us-mi] Ohio Linuxfest: Coming Soon!
Craig Maloney
2011-08-19 20:00:16 UTC
Feel that in the air? That somewhat chilly feeling of back-to-school and
fall weather. It can only mean one thing (well, besides the fact that
summer is over, and the kids are almost back to school, and I'll have to
re-learn how to drive in Michigan winters). Yes, it means that Ohio
Linuxfest is right around the corner.

"But Craig", I imagine you saying right now to your favorite
Internet-enabled device, "isn't Ohio Linuxfest only... oh my... yep,
it's just around the corner isn't it?"

"I know", I say back to you, "isn't it amazing how time flies when you
least expect it? But fear not, dear reader, for we shall persevere and
get you down to Ohio Linuxfest so you too can bask in the
sheer-awesomeness that is Ohio Linuxfest".

For those of you who don't know what Ohio Linuxfest is, it's a weekend
event that has been growing ever since 2003 into a massive conference
and celebration of Free and Open Source Software. The details of the
conference are available at http://ohiolinux.org, but here's a brief

* Ohio Linuxfest is free (as in beer) to attend, provided you register
early. If you show up at the door, they'll ask you for $5 for
registration. Think of it as an anti-procrastination incentive.
* HOWEVER: You'll just get to attend the conference for free. If you
also want a super-awesome T-Shirt, lunch on Saturday, and the warm fuzzy
feeling that you'll be helping to keep Ohio Linuxfest running next year,
you can register as a Supporter for $65. And you know you like supporting.
* But don't they also have training? Sure thing, and you can get
access to the training classes (http://ohiolinux.org/olfi) by
registering as a Professional for $300.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "But Craig, Ohio Linuxfest is in Ohio,
and my favorite reality TV-show 'Celebrity Mutant Squirrel Apprentice'
is on this weekend. What could I possibly get out of Ohio Linuxfest that
beats watching famous mutant squirrels try to outsmart each other?

Well, for starters, there's the presentations. There's keynotes by none
other than Jon "maddog" Hall and Bradley Kuhn. There's Ubucon on Friday.
There's the After Party.

But what's more important than all of that is being in the middle of a
community of Free and Open Software developers, and having the chance to
talk with them outside of sterile Internet communication forums. It's
the chance to hang out with people who design, make, and build the
things you use every day.

"OK, you've convinced me to forego 'Celebrity Mutant Squirrel
Apprentice'. What should I do?

Head on over to the Ohio Linuxfest site (http://ohiolinux.org) for info
on how to register. Also check out the hotels link for making your
sleeping arrangements (very important). Check out the directions in case
you don't know how to get there. And plan to have a great time.

(Shameless Plug: Rick and I will be down there with our Lococast.net
booth. Drop on by and say Hi).

Hope to see you there!
Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo
Tony Bemus
2014-10-17 02:04:20 UTC
I'm going along with Mat Enders, Mary Tomich , and one of Mat's coworkers. We are staying at the crown plaza.
I'm getting excited, leaving for Ohio LinuxFest next Thursday.
Anyone else going? Any Ubuntu gatherings this year?
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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Robert J. Clay
2014-10-17 14:30:22 UTC
I'm getting excited, leaving for Ohio LinuxFest next Thursday.
Anyone else going? Any Ubuntu gatherings this year?
I'll be there. (First time for me...)
Robert J. Clay
rjclay at gmail.com
jame at rocasa.us