[ubuntu-us-mi] Ohio Linuxfest booth
Craig Maloney
2011-08-29 23:05:59 UTC
Hello again,

The Ubuntu MI Loco will be sharing a booth with the Lococast folks
(that's Rick and myself) at this year's OLF. Since the loco will have a
presence at the show, and since the only reason people talk to people at
boots is to get free swag, I was thinking about things that we could
give out at the booth.

I'm thinking of getting some personalised pencils that say "Ubuntu MI
Loco" on them. They're available from this link:


I was also thinking of getting some business cards made up to hand out
via vistaprint with the loco's particulars, and a QR code. If someone
has some design ability, we'd love to hear from you.

Craig Maloney (craig at decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
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wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo