[ubuntu-us-mi] ubuntu-us-mi Digest, Vol 43, Issue 2 (Ubuntu Hour)
2011-03-08 15:29:58 UTC

Was there any talk of an Ubuntu Hour at the IRC meeting?

Is there anyone as North as I am (Saginaw)?

I'd like to have an Ubuntu Hour at a local coffee shop (Crumbs, on Center Rd
in Saginaw Township), but I'd also like to have someone else there who can
also field questions and show off their Ubuntu laptop.

I was thinking about a Saturday afternoon, but not til April at the
earliest; I have stuff going on every weekend in March.

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1. Meeting Recap (Was Re: IRC meeting tonight) (Greg Grossmeier)
2. MUG meeting sponsorship (Greg Grossmeier)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greg Grossmeier <greg at grossmeier.net>
To: ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 21:05:35 -0500
Subject: [ubuntu-us-mi] Meeting Recap (Was Re: IRC meeting tonight)
How about "tomorrow night"? :)
* We'll plan to have a Global Jam Event at SRT solutions in Ann Arbor on
April 3 starting at noon. We need to contact someone at SRT Solutions to
ensure we can use the facility. At a minimum we'll do several
installation attempts of Natty.
* An East side Natty Release Party will be held at Penguicon on or
around April 30 pending coordination with that event. A West side event
will be held on April 28 in coordination with the regular meeting of the
West Michigan Linux Users Group.
* On the East Side, they will make it known that the regular Coffee
House Coder meetings are a great place to talk about Ubuntu. On the West
side, Ben Rousch will consider starting an Ubuntu Hour.
* Greg Grossmeier will be taking donations via PayPal so that the Ubuntu
Michigan LoCo can join the Michigan Unix Group as a corporation and
sponsor a meeting.
* No one has heard from Penguicon regarding Michigan LoCo participation.
Look forward to receiving some more emails this week regarding the topics
<quoting name="Greg Grossmeier" date="2011-03-06" time="20:40:23 -0500">
I'll have a log up either tonight or tomorrow.
<quoting name="Wolfger" date="2011-03-06" time="20:26:36 -0500">
On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Greg Grossmeier <greg at grossmeier.net>
Hello Team!
Just to give you a last minute reminder that our Monthly IRC meeting
tonight at 9pm. The IRC channel is #ubuntu-us-mi on the Freenode IRC
network. If you don't have an IRC client setup you can always use
web interface: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#ubuntu-us-mi
1) Ubuntu Global Jam
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam
* Friday April 1st - Sunday the 3rd
* Set the date, location, topics
2) Natty Release Party
* http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/
* Thursday April 17th-ish
* Set the date, location
3) Ubuntu Hour
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour
* http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/17/detail/
* Who wants to host one where?
That's all I can think of for now. Come with you input for these, and
other, topics.
All are welcome.
See you soon!
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greg Grossmeier <greg at grossmeier.net>
To: Ubuntu Michigan Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 22:13:19 -0500
Subject: [ubuntu-us-mi] MUG meeting sponsorship
Hello there Team!
I have a bit of a proposal for everyone.
[tl;dr: We're going to sponsor a MUG meeting! Help us raise money by
donating to greg at grossmeier.net on Paypal!]
Background / About MUG
As many of you may know, one of the best linux related groups in Michigan
is MUG, or Michigan!/usr/group (http://www.mug.org). They hold monthly
meetings in Southfield, Michigan. Many Ubuntu LoCo team members have been
attending MUG meetings for a long time and I highly recommend checking
them out if you have a chance. In fact their next meeting is tomorrow(!)
night, March 8th, where our own Craig Maloney (snapl on IRC) will be
presenting on how to create a podcast. As many of you know, Craig and
Rick Harding are the co-hosts of the awesome Lococast podcast
(http://lococast.net). And the Ubuntu Michigan LoCo/MUG intermingling
doesn't stop there. Many other LoCo members have presented in the past
include Jorge Castro, Rick, and myself.
MUG also brings in amazing out of town speakers and can do that because
they help pay the travel costs as much as possible. The room they use for
the meetings is also something they have to pay for each time. Thus, to
put on such great events with such great content requires some money.
This is why they have yearly membership dues of $35. I know that some
LoCo members are also paying MUG members.
The Proposal
MUG has also recently started a new program where a business or group can
Basically, what this means is that we could, as a group, raise the $150
to sponsor a MUG meeting where we could then have an Ubuntu-themed
meeting and any member of the Michigan LoCo will be considered a full
member for 2011.
Really, the best part is contributing to the success of MUG and having an
Ubuntu-themed MUG meeting.
At last night's IRC meeting it was officially decided that we will
participate as a LoCo and sponsor a MUG meeting. This is where *YOU* come
The How
Lets raise that required $150 as fast as we can! I will be accepting
donations to my Paypal account (greg at grossmeier.net). When we hit $150
I'll send a note to this mailing list and let the MUG Board know.
Also, in case anyone has any reservations about giving money to me to
then give to MUG, I will log into my Paypal account for any LoCo member
who attends a MUG meeting and show the donation information.
The next part is the best: Our sponsored meeting.
Our Meeting
Craig, who is on the MUG Board, is looking into finding the best
available meeting for us to use as an Ubuntu-themed/LoCo-Sponsored
meeting. Since it'll be Ubuntu-themed we should have one or two great
Ubuntu-related talks. These can be anything from a how-to to a case study
of your use of Ubuntu in some really interesting situation (run 1000
Ubuntu servers in a cluster? Tell us about it!).
Let me or the list know if you have a topic that you would like to
Let me know if you have any questions about this fundraiser or MUG in
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |
ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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Greg Grossmeier
2011-03-08 16:25:34 UTC
<quoting name="Amy" date="2011-03-08" time="10:29:58 -0500">
Post by Amy
Was there any talk of an Ubuntu Hour at the IRC meeting?
We talked about it briefly and basically decided to do a joint
CoffeeHouseCoders/Ubuntu Hour next week (Mar 16th).
Post by Amy
Is there anyone as North as I am (Saginaw)?
Surely someone?
Post by Amy
I'd like to have an Ubuntu Hour at a local coffee shop (Crumbs, on Center Rd
in Saginaw Township), but I'd also like to have someone else there who can
also field questions and show off their Ubuntu laptop.
I was thinking about a Saturday afternoon, but not til April at the
earliest; I have stuff going on every weekend in March.
That's a great idea, Amy.

Anyone else on the list from around Saginaw want to join in?

| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |