[ubuntu-us-mi] [[Fwd: [a2geeks] Announcing Michigan GTUG]]
Greg Grossmeier
2009-06-24 18:58:08 UTC
Thought that maybe some of you would be interested in this. Would be
good to get a solid FLOSS perspective in the group, in my opinion.

It doesn't appear that they have any physical meetups, instead just a
bunch of google web resources to join (friendconnect, etc).

- Greg
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [a2geeks] Announcing Michigan GTUG
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 08:43:40 -0400
From: Timothy Fisher <timothyf at gmail.com>
To: a2geeks at googlegroups.com
After the 2009 Google I/O Conference, Google began an aggressive
campaign to kick start Google Technology User Groups (GTUG). I decided
that it was an interesting idea and have begun to lay the framework to
set up the Michigan GTUG. Since the group has been announced on a few
other mailing lists, we are currently at 24 members. Google has a
wealth of developer technologies currently available and they seem to be
releasing something new almost every month lately. I think that there
is an excellent pool of technology to draw from to make for a very
interesting user group.
Some of the developer technologies that I could envision being covered
* Android <http://code.google.com/android/>
* Google APIs (Maps, YouTube, Search, etc)
* Google Friend Connect <http://www.google.com/friendconnect/>
* Google Web Toolkit (GWT) <http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/>
* Google App Engine <http://code.google.com/appengine/>
* OpenSocial <http://www.opensocial.org/>
* Google Wave <http://wave.google.com/>
**A nice thing about these technologies is that most of them support
multiple languages and thus the group should attract a diverse audience
with differing backgrounds. This will be great for knowledge sharing
and collaboration throughout the area. Google also promises to support
the GTUGs and have offered a "swag" package for the first meeting.
Timothy Fisher
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| Greg Grossmeier |
| greg at grossmeier.net |
| http://grossmeier.net |