[ubuntu-us-mi] [Fwd: [KLUG Members] Coming out party for Ubuntu 8.10 on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 7pm]
2008-11-10 21:56:56 UTC

On Tuesday, November 11th, your attendance is requested at the Release
party of the new Ubuntu 8.10. A casual get together is planned at
Gallagher's Eatery and Pub to celebrate the occasion. Gallagher's is
located at 4210 Stadium Dr. Kalamazoo. This address is located on the
north side of the street about 1/4 mile east of Drake Rd. We have a
room reserved for us between 6PM and 9ish or whenever. We will have
free wifi and ample electrical hookups for your laptops. Come join your
friends and make new ones. Download the new version or CD's will
hopefully be available.

Gallagher's offers a full compliment of reasonably priced beverages and
a full menu. Both can be seen on their web sight gallagherseatery.com

Just come in the main dining entrance and ask for the Press Box Room.

We'll see you there.

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