[ubuntu-us-mi] Backup, restore and defrag
2008-02-03 14:40:13 UTC

I am a dinosaur that worked for DARPA starting 1969 helping create and
install ARPANET. Spent a number of years with Unix and CPM. In 1974
helped create the largest data farm in the world, at that time,
utilizing a few hundred 5Mg WangCo cake platter removable hard drives
and a plethora of 400,800,1600 BPI tape drives. The data vault was over
30,000 sq ft. This was all powered by dual IBM 360/370. I still do a
little coding for the government but it is limited to optimizing
programs by interpreting to native code. I have not used anything
except low-level code for the last 15 years plus.

I have been using Ubunbtu for about the last six months (now Gutsy 7.10)
and have been lurking this community for the past few months. It would
be appreciated if someone could recommend a backup/restore package,
preferably one that can do a complete system backup to DVD. Also I have
noticed that the file fragmentation has creep past 3% and would
appreciate any recommendation for a defrag package. This is a for a
standalone desktop unit not hooked up to a network.

Any advice will be appreciated,

