[ubuntu-us-mi] MUG Sponsorship – SUCCESS!
Greg Grossmeier
2011-04-15 02:09:39 UTC
We did it!

A great big thanks! goes out to all of the wonderful people who responded
to the call to show their support and contribute to the Ubuntu Michigan
LoCo?s sponsorship of a MUG meeting. We raised more than the amount
needed before our deadline of May 1st. Thanks to the contributors the
Michigan LoCo team will be donating $185 to MUG to support its efforts
bringing high quality Free/Open Source and Linux-focused events in the
South East Michigan area.

What next?

Next, the Michigan LoCo team will source a couple presentations from our
group to give at a MUG meeting this summer. So far I know that Rick H
wants to give a presentation on PPA usage. Let me know if you want to
present on another topic! And of course, it is time for a huge influx of
Michigan LoCo members at that meeting.

Thanks again to all of the contributors!
| Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |