[ubuntu-us-mi] Announcing: The Grand Rapids Web Developers Group
Ben Rousch
2010-12-28 02:57:23 UTC
We're proud to announce the imminent formation of the Grand Rapids Web
Developer Group. Long have the disparate local user groups toiled
individually to hash out best practices and disseminate sage advice to
their members. We developers that program and design for the World
Wide Web can now come together to discuss those topics common to us
all, including HTML, CSS, Javascript, browsers, and their ilk.

Mutually Human has generously offered to host our first meeting on
January 3, 2011. We'll primarily be discussing the group's management,
focus, and other such organizational details. However we also want to
jump right into the more useful and interesting topics, so we'll be
discussing the various techniques for, and the pros and cons of using
rounded corners in web design.

If you'd like to help guide the formation and direction of this
budding new group, please join us on the mailing list, in the Meetup
group, or at the first meatspace meeting. An RSVP via the Meetup group
for the meeting is appreciated so we can get some idea of the number
of people who will be attending.

The GrWebDev Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/grwebdev
The GrWebDev Meetup Group: http://www.meetup.com/grwebdev/
Twitter: @grwebdev http://twitter.com/#!/grwebdev/

GrWebDev Meeting Info:
Monday, January 3, 2011
6PM ~ 8PM
Mutually Human Software
Suite 430
401 Hall St SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

We hope to see you there!


The Grand Rapids Web Development Group

P.S. We're trying to get the word out via many channels, so we
apologize if you see this announcement multiple times.
? Ben Rousch
? brousch at gmail.com
? http://ishmilok.blogspot.com/